I have a task where I have 3 lists of images: practice images, familiar images, and novel images. I run 3 blocks, 1 practice then counterbalance the order of the familiar and novel image blocks. On a trial, they will see 4 items, then select which one changes after a brief interval (so a new object on each trial).
What I'd like to do is set up 5 picture elements, one for each object and then one for the new object, and have the items selection based on the condition. I thought I could make a value that I set at the start of each block that has the stimulus items list name that I could put under items for a picture element. This is a rough version of what I was thinking:
<item practice>
/1 = "pic1.jpg"
/2 = "pic2.jpg"
/3 = "pic3.jpg"
/4 = "pic4.jpg"
/5 = "pic5.jpg"
<item familiar>
/1 = "pic1.jpg"
/2 = "pic2.jpg"
/3 = "pic3.jpg"
/4 = "pic4.jpg"
/5 = "pic5.jpg"
<item novel>
/1 = "pic1.jpg"
/2 = "pic2.jpg"
/3 = "pic3.jpg"
/4 = "pic4.jpg"
/5 = "pic5.jpg"
<picture object1>
/ items = values.currentStimSet
/select = values.object1
/hposition = values.object1_x
/vposition = values.object1_y
/size = (300,300)
<block instructions>
/trials = [1 = instructions1; 2 = instructions2; 3 = instructions3]
<block practice>
/onblockbegin = [values.practice = 1; values.currentStimSet = "practice"]
/ recorddata = false
/trials = [1-6 = start]
<block familiar>
/onblockbegin = [values.practice = 0; values.currentStimSet = "familiar"]
/ trials = [1-72 = start]
<block novel>
/onblockbegin = [values.practice = 0; values.currentStimSet = "novel"]
/ trials = [1-72 = start]
<expt familiarFirst>
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ groupassignment = random
/postinstructions = (end)
/blocks = [1 = instructions; 1 = practice; 1 = familiar; 1 = novel]
<expt novelFirst>
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ groupassignment = random
/postinstructions = (end)
/blocks = [1 = instructions; 1 = practice; 1 = novel; 1 = familiar]
When I do this, I get an error for picture.object1 "Could not locate item values.currentStimSet" (it is listed under values and spelled correctly). Is there a way to do this so that I don't have to create 5 picture elements for each stimulus type? I feel like I'm missing something simple with "/items =" that would allow me to use a value element.
Thank you!