I am trying to make instructions so I am referencing from an IAT test. However, there is a value in the text and trials that I don't understand.
I don't understand the function of the "instruction Index" that is placed in the text and trials.
For context, I will insert below every place that this function appears :
/ completed = 0
/ sum1a = 0
/ sum2a = 0
/ sum1b = 0
/ sum2b = 0
/ n1a = 0
/ n2a = 0
/ n1b = 0
/ n2b = 0
/ ss1a = 0
/ ss2a = 0
/ ss1b = 0
/ ss2b = 0
/ magnitude = "unknown"
/ preferred = "unknown"
/ notpreferred = "unknown"
/ n_correct = 0
/progresswidth = 0
/instructionIndex = 0</values>
<text instructions>
/ items = instructions
/ position = (10%, 25%)
/ halign = left
/ valign = top
/ hjustify = left
/ vjustify = center
/ size = (80%, 50%)
/ select =
<trial instructions>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.progresswidth += 10;
values.instructionIndex += 1;
/ stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar, progressbar, progressbar_fill]
/ correctresponse = (" ")
/ errormessage = false
/ recorddata = false
/ showmousecursor = true
Every time <trial instructions> is run, values.instructionindex is increased by one. values.instructionindex determines which of its items <text instructions> displays.
So, in the first instance of <trial instructions>, values.instructionsindex is 1, i.e. the 1st instructions item is displayed. The next time <trial instructions> is run, values.instructionsindex will be 2, and the 2nd item will be displayed, etc
Okay that makes sense, so for this script I am referencing I would be right in saying that in each block every time they mention "instructions" it will move on to the next instruction?
Like for example, in these two blocks, both have "1=instrcuions" but they will display different instructions.
<block attributepractice>
/ bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright)
/ trials = [
1=instructions; 2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB);
/ errormessage = true(error,200)
/ responsemode = correct
<block targetcompatiblepractice>
/ bgstim = (targetAleft, targetBright)
/ trials = [
=instructions; 2-21 = random(targetAleft, targetBright);
/ errormessage = true(error,200)
/ responsemode = correct