Hello! I have modified the Affective Priming experiment template that presents prime words with targets. The original experiment uses a list of unpleasant words (U) and a list of pleasant words (P) that are presented as both the prime and target word throughout the run. I have added an additional list of prime and target words (C) to be categorized. Trials of prime words and target combinations consist of the following pairings: UU, PP, UP, PU, CC, CU, CP, PU, PC where the first letter of the pair represents the prime and the second letter of the pair represents the target word.
I am having an issue specifically regarding a portion of the UC pairings where the second word presented is overlapped with an additional word taken from one of the lists. All of my trials are programmed the same way and the rest are working without issue. Does anyone have any advice regarding how to fix this overlapping presentation problem?
Thank you!!!
The following is an excerpt from my code:
Note: trial.UC_test
- selects the current unpleasant prime and Covid target from their respective lists
- presents the unpleasant prime word
- replaces the prime word with a blank stimulus after parameters.primeduration
- replaces the blank stimulus with the Covid target after another vales.pt_isi
- starts recording latency at onset of target
- waits for response and evaluates response
- updates summary values
- adds error feedback as well as the intertrial interval
<trial UC_test>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.targetitemnumber = list.COVIDTargetitemnumbers.nextvalue;
values.primeitemnumber = list.UnpleasantPrimeitemnumbers.nextvalue;
trial.UP_test.insertstimulustime(shape.eraser, (parameters.primeduration));
trial.UP_test.insertstimulustime(text.COVIDTarget, (parameters.primeduration + parameters.PT_ISI));
/ stimulustimes = [0 = UnpleasantPrime]
/ beginresponsetime = parameters.primeduration + parameters.PT_ISI
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ validresponse = (parameters.responsekeyleft, parameters.responsekeyright)
/ correctresponse = (values.responsekeyUnpleasant)
/ ontrialend = [
values.prime = text.UnpleasantPrime.currentitem;
values.target = text.COVIDTarget.currentitem;
if (trial.UC_test.correct) {
if (trial.UC_test.responsetext == values.responsekeyUnpleasant){
values.responseCategory = "unpleasant";
} else if (trial.UC_test.responsetext == values.responsekeyPleasant){
values.responseCategory = "pleasant";
/ posttrialpause = parameters.ITI
/ errormessage = false(errorfeedback, 500)