+x nidhi_desai - 1/14/2021In my experiment, I have some stimuli at the beginning of a trial and some at the end. The end stimuli are not based on the participant's response. I have observed that when I have the 2 stimuli at the end of the trial, I don't record any responses i.e. trial.Que.response =0, when I am pressing the valid buttons during the trial. Why might this be the case and can you suggest a workaround for this?<trial Que>/ stimulustimes = [0 = shieldK, shieldS; 1 = portETdisplayOn; 2998 = portETdisplayOff; 2999 = portETtrialEnd]/ timeout = 3000/ validresponse = (31, 37, noresponse)/ isvalidresponse = [ if (trial.Que.response == 31) { values.sKeyPress += 1;}/ responsemessage = (31, portETresponse, 1)/ responsemessage = (37, portETresponse, 1)/ responseinterrupt = trial </trial>