Defaults and settings for all distancing tasks
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
<clock timer>
/ mode = timer
/ resetrate = trial
/ erase = false
/ txcolor = white
/ txbgcolor = black
/ timeout = 30000
/ position = (50%, 10%)
/ format = "mm:ss"
<text spacebar_SD>
/ items = ("Please press the SPACE BAR at the least
appropriate social distance.")
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ valign = bottom
Social Distancing Task 4
<item SD4Woman>
/1 = "SD4Woman.png"
<item SD4Scenario>
/1 = "SD4Scenario.png"
<picture SD4Woman>
/ items = item.SD4Woman
/ size = (46%, 46%)
/ animation=path(5000, 6, 5%, 56%, 41%, 62%)
<picture SD4Scenario>
/ items = item.SD4Scenario
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ size = (100%, 80%)
<trial SD4Woman>
/ stimulusframes = [1=SD4Woman, SD4Scenario, clock.timer, spacebar_SD]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ timeout = 30000
/ branch = [
if (trial.SD4Woman.response == 0) {
<trial sd4_reminder>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, remindertext]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 10000
/ branch = [
<text remindertext>
/ items = ("You did not respond in time. The trial will restart in 10 seconds.")
<trial SD4Scenario>
/ stimulustimes = [1=SD4Scenario]
/ correctresponse = (" ")
/ errormessage = false
/ recorddata = false
<block SD4Woman>
/ trials = [1 = SD4Woman]
<block Social_Distancing4>
/ trials = [1 = SD4Woman]
/ blocks = [1=block.Social_Distancing4]