Color Word Stroop Script Editing

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clynzee - 2/14/2021
Thank you Dave--this is helpful! I think that because I would like for the grouping to determine the Stroop task that is presented, I would like for the randomization to be done in Inquisit (just not sure how to assign to groups in Qualtrics without specifying conditions to be met).

I have now run into a couple of other issues: I am not sure if I have my scripts structured properly within my experiment. They are currently listed:

stroop_deplete.iqx         —>this is the 75% incongruent test
stroop_nondeplete.iqx   —>this is the 100% congruent test
thesis batch script.html    —>this is the script from above

My start script is set at stroop_deplete.iqx

The test ends after just running the start script--I am not sure if there is something that I need to re-order or specify to get this to run properly such that participants are (1) directed here through Qualtrics; (2) assigned to either group 1 or group 2; (3) presented with either stroop_deplete and pasatc, or stroop_nondeplete and pasatc (based off of their group assignment, using the batch script); (4) and then returned to Qualtrics at the point in the survey where they left off--not the beginning or end of the survey. 

Could you please advise? Thank you!

You need to create a <batch> script with two conditions. One condition that runs the stroop_deplete and pasatc script, and the other, 2nd condition to run the stroop_nondeplete script and the pasatc. The batch script needs to be set as the study's start script.

/ groups=(1 of 2)
/ file="stroop_deplete.iqx"
/ file="pasatc.iqx"

/ groups=(2 of 2)
/ file="stroop_nondeplete.iqx"
/ file="pasatc.iqx"

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Thank you Dave--it looks like I had just saved the script in the wrong format!

It now allows me to start with the batch script, however now the Stroop and PASAT-C do not run at all. The test immediately ends after opening the Inquisit application and automatically directs me back to the beginning of the Qualtrics survey. Could there be something that I need to add to the batch script to get the tests to run before going back to Qualtrics? And is there a way to then return participants to Qualtrics at the point in the survey where they left off--not the beginning or end of the survey? 

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clynzee - 2/15/2021
Thank you Dave--it looks like I had just saved the script in the wrong format!

It now allows me to start with the batch script, however now the Stroop and PASAT-C do not run at all. The test immediately ends after opening the Inquisit application and automatically directs me back to the beginning of the Qualtrics survey. Could there be something that I need to add to the batch script to get the tests to run before going back to Qualtrics? And is there a way to then return participants to Qualtrics at the point in the survey where they left off--not the beginning or end of the survey? 

Please provide the link to your online experiment. I cannot possibly answer questions about mistakes in the settings etc. without being able to look at the settings.

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