Questionnaire doesn't work anymore

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Posts: 11, Visits: 197
Dear Inquisit Team,
at Inquisit 5 I made a questionnaire (see below) where everything was working. Now, when I want to run the questionnaire at Inquisit 6 (Web), the questionnaire doesn't work anymore. You can't click on a radiobutton to choose your answer. Sometimes you can click on a radiobutton but it seems more random than controlled. Can anybody help me why the questionnaire doesn't work anymore?

Thank you very much in advance!

Here is the code:

<block interessen>
/ trials = [1 = interessen_01]

<surveypage interessen_01>
/ caption = "Interessieren Sie sich für:"
/ questions=[
1    =    v1    ;
2    =    v2    ;
3    =    q1    ;
4    =    q2    ;
5    =    q3    ;
6    =    q4    ;
7    =    q5    ;
8    =    q6    ;
9    =    q7    ;
10    =    cq1    ;
11    =    cq2    ;
12    =    cq3    ;
13    =    cq4    ;
14    =    cq5    ;
15    =    cq6    ;
16    =    cq7    
/ orientation = horizontal
/ navigationbuttonsize = (10%, 5%)
/ finishlabel = "Weiter"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)


<caption v1>
/ caption = "Ja"
/ position = (43%, 17%)
/ size = (8%, 50%)

<caption v2>
/ caption = "Nein"
/ position = (52%, 17%)
/ size = (8%, 50%)

ITEMS Fragen + Radiobuttons

<radiobuttons q1>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 22%)

<caption cq1>
/ caption = "Sport im Allgemeinen"
/ position = (20%, 22%)

<radiobuttons q2>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 27%)

<caption cq2>
/ caption = "Minigolf"
/ position = (20%, 27%)

<radiobuttons q3>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 31%)

<caption cq3>
/ caption = "Wandern"
/ position = (20%, 31%)

<radiobuttons q4>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 36%)

<caption cq4>
/ caption = "Tiere"
/ position = (20%, 36%)

<radiobuttons q5>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 41%)

<caption cq5>
/ caption = "Braunbären"
/ position = (20%, 41%)

<radiobuttons q6>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 46%)

<caption cq6>
/ caption = "Kino"
/ position = (20%, 46%)

<radiobuttons q7>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 51%)

<caption cq7>
/ caption = "Kinderfilme"
/ position = (20%, 51%)

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Tamara - 3/9/2021
Dear Inquisit Team,
at Inquisit 5 I made a questionnaire (see below) where everything was working. Now, when I want to run the questionnaire at Inquisit 6 (Web), the questionnaire doesn't work anymore. You can't click on a radiobutton to choose your answer. Sometimes you can click on a radiobutton but it seems more random than controlled. Can anybody help me why the questionnaire doesn't work anymore?

Thank you very much in advance!

Here is the code:

<block interessen>
/ trials = [1 = interessen_01]

<surveypage interessen_01>
/ caption = "Interessieren Sie sich für:"
/ questions=[
1    =    v1    ;
2    =    v2    ;
3    =    q1    ;
4    =    q2    ;
5    =    q3    ;
6    =    q4    ;
7    =    q5    ;
8    =    q6    ;
9    =    q7    ;
10    =    cq1    ;
11    =    cq2    ;
12    =    cq3    ;
13    =    cq4    ;
14    =    cq5    ;
15    =    cq6    ;
16    =    cq7    
/ orientation = horizontal
/ navigationbuttonsize = (10%, 5%)
/ finishlabel = "Weiter"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)


<caption v1>
/ caption = "Ja"
/ position = (43%, 17%)
/ size = (8%, 50%)

<caption v2>
/ caption = "Nein"
/ position = (52%, 17%)
/ size = (8%, 50%)

ITEMS Fragen + Radiobuttons

<radiobuttons q1>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 22%)

<caption cq1>
/ caption = "Sport im Allgemeinen"
/ position = (20%, 22%)

<radiobuttons q2>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 27%)

<caption cq2>
/ caption = "Minigolf"
/ position = (20%, 27%)

<radiobuttons q3>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 31%)

<caption cq3>
/ caption = "Wandern"
/ position = (20%, 31%)

<radiobuttons q4>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 36%)

<caption cq4>
/ caption = "Tiere"
/ position = (20%, 36%)

<radiobuttons q5>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 41%)

<caption cq5>
/ caption = "Braunbären"
/ position = (20%, 41%)

<radiobuttons q6>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 46%)

<caption cq6>
/ caption = "Kino"
/ position = (20%, 46%)

<radiobuttons q7>
/ options=("       ", "       ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation=horizontal
/ position = (42%, 51%)

<caption cq7>
/ caption = "Kinderfilme"
/ position = (20%, 51%)

Per the order in

<surveypage interessen_01>
/ caption = "Interessieren Sie sich für:"
/ questions=[
1  =  v1  ;
2  =  v2  ;
3  =  q1  ;
4  =  q2  ;
5  =  q3  ;
6  =  q4  ;
7  =  q5  ;
8  =  q6  ;
9  =  q7  ;
10  =  cq1  ;
11  =  cq2  ;
12  =  cq3  ;
13  =  cq4  ;
14  =  cq5  ;
15  =  cq6  ;
16  =  cq7 

/ orientation = horizontal
/ navigationbuttonsize = (10%, 5%)
/ finishlabel = "Weiter"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

You are drawing the captions on top of the radiobuttons. Due to their size, these at least partly overlap with the radiobuttons, so they cannot be clicked. Reverse the order to

<surveypage interessen_01>
/ caption = "Interessieren Sie sich für:"
/ questions=[
1  =  cq1  ;
2  =  cq2  ;
3  =  cq3  ;
4  =  cq4  ;
5  =  cq5  ;
6  =  cq6  ;
7  =  cq7  ;
8  =  v1  ;
9  =  v2  ;

10 =  q1  ;
11 =  q2  ;
12 =  q3  ;
13 =  q4  ;
14 =  q5  ;
15 =  q6  ;
16 =  q7  ;
/ orientation = horizontal
/ navigationbuttonsize = (10%, 5%)
/ finishlabel = "Weiter"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

and things should work.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 11, Visits: 197
Thanks a lot! Now it works.


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