Generating random sequences with constraints

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 19
Dave - 5/18/2021
SanneBos - 5/18/2021
Dave - 5/18/2021
SanneBos - 5/18/2021
SanneBos - 5/18/2021
Hi Dave,

Based on your comment on the difficulties with my constraints I hard coded the sequences. That fixed my issues, and the experiment works almost completely now.

Now, some other part of my script fails...

I use the code below to run one of five different hard-coded sequences (Further specified within block.ADHD1, and different per block)

    / blocks = [
        1 =list.blockSelectorADHD; ]

<list blockSelectorADHD>
    / items = (block.ADHD1, block.ADHD2, block.ADHD3, block.ADHD4, block.ADHD5)
    / selectionmode = random

This works for most of my code.
However, in the end of my experiment I also have a random sequence of 5 rounds of blocks that shoud be followed by a specific surveypage;
For example: surveypage 1, block1 - - surveypage 2, block2 - - surveypage 5, block5 - - surveypage 4, block4 - - surveypage 3, block3

In my old version of the experiment I used:     
    / blocks = [
          1-5 = noreplace(survey1, survey2, survey3, survey4, survey5); ]

With the survey's branching to that specific block.

However, the two techniques don't mix, as I am not allowed to branch in my survey to a list.blockSelector...

Do you know a way to work around this?
It would be ideal if I could branch to a list, but that doesn't work...

Small addition: what makes it difficult is that there is a preinstruction html page before each block... So the order is surveypage - preinstruction - other trials... That's where I'm stuck currently.

> However, the two techniques don't mix, as I am not allowed to branch in my survey to a list.blockSelector...

This is not true, why do you believe that to be the case?

When I run my script, I get the error:
The element 'blockSelectorRelaties' returned by branch expression 'blockSelectorRelaties' is the wrong type.

And the blocks don't run, only the surveys work.

To /branch to a block object contained in a list, you ought to do

<block StroopInstructionsDL_werk>
  / preinstructions = (expronde3A)
  / branch = [list.blockSelectorWerk.nextvalue]

<block StroopInstructionsDL_sociaal>
  / preinstructions = (expronde3A)
  / branch = [list.blockSelectorSociaal.nextvalue]

<block StroopInstructionsDL_relaties>
  / preinstructions = (expronde3A)
  / branch = [list.blockSelectorRelaties.nextvalue]

<block StroopInstructionsDL_hobby>
  / preinstructions = (expronde3A)
  / branch = [list.blockSelectorHobby.nextvalue]

<block StroopInstructionsDL_zelf>
  / preinstructions = (expronde3A)
  / branch = [list.blockSelectorZelf.nextvalue]

nextvalue is what actually causes an item from the list (here: a block object) to be sampled. list.blockselector in /branch returns nothing in and of itself in /branch, i.e. not a block object.

Thanks! Everything works now!

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