+x+xThis is the other option I tried which I have the same issue only showing one likert question istead of for both:
<text textquestions>
/size = (500, 70)
/items = ("How positive do you feel?", "How negative do you feel?")
/position = (50, 50)
/halign = center
/ select = noreplace
<shape erasescreen>
/color= (255,255,255)
/size = (100%, 100%)
<page intro1>
^Pictures will show up on the screen and your task is to either view them naturally as if you were watching a movie at home, or view them in a more positive light (positivize), or try and minimize negative feelings (minimize)
^^On each trial, the fixation point will appear, followed by a picture, and then a ratings screen to report how the picture made you feel.
<page finish>
^^Thank you for participating. The demo is now finished.
<text passiveview>
/items = ("Passive")
<text minimizingview>
/items = ("Minimize")
<text positivize>
/items = ("Positivize")
<picture negpic >
/items = negpic
/size = (50%, 50%)
<picture neutralpic >
/items = neutralpic
/size = (50%, 50%)
<item passiveinstructions>
/1 ="just watch"
<text instructions>
/ items = passiveinstructions
/ hjustify = left
/ size = (90%, 60%)
/ position = (50%, 85%)
/ valign = bottom
/ select = instructions
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%)
<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ color = (255, 255, 255)
/ txbgcolor = (0,0,0)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 30pt)
/ erase = false
<text spacebar>
/ items = ("Press the SPACE BAR to begin.")
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ valign = bottom
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%)
<item negpic>
/1 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\1050.jpg"
/2 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\1945.jpg"
/3 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\3005.1.jpg"
/4 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\1111.jpg"
/5 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\1930.jpg"
/6 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\2095.jpg"
/7 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\2110.jpg"
/8 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\2750.jpg"
/9= "IAPS1\IAPS2\2276.jpg"
/10 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\2900.jpg"
<picture targetneg>
/ items = negpic
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<picture targetneutral>
/ items = neutralpic
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<item neutralpic>
/1 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7002.jpg"
/2 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7004.jpg"
/3 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7009.jpg"
/4 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7036.jpg"
/5 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7038.jpg"
/6 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7041.jpg"
/7 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7705.jpg"
/8 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7493.jpg"
/9 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7050.jpg"
/10 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7052.jpg"
/11 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7057.jpg"
/12 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7058.jpg"
/13 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7090.jpg"
/14 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7100.jpg"
/15 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7236.jpg"
/16 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7235.jpg"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ lastlabel = "Continue"
/ prevkey = (0)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ windowsize = (90%, 90%)
/ screencolor = (0,0,0)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%)
/ txcolor = (255, 255, 255)
<likert valance>
/ anchors = [1="1", 2="2", 3="3", 4="4", 5="5"]
/ mouse = true
/ stimulusframes = [1=noreplace(text.textquestions)]
/ position = (50,90)
<trial passiveview>
/ stimulusframes = [1=fixation; 200= passiveview; 400=negpic;1200=erasescreen]
/ posttrialpause = 300
/ response = noresponse
<block one>
/ trials = [1,3,5 = passiveview; 2,4,6=likert.valance]
<block one>
/ trials = [1,3,5 = passiveview; 2,4,6=likert.valance]
Well, you're only running only *one* instance of the likert after each passiveview trial, not two. Of course, then, it's not displaying both questions.
OH how dumb coding can make you feel--for some reason I thought it would do the likert for both questions in textinstructions. first time user here.
Now if I want to have it present 8 minimizing view of negative pictures (minimizingview trial), 4 neutral trials, and 4 passiveview trials in each block how would I randomize that and still have the likerts following each stimulus? I know I could write it out from another forum post as this if i didnt have the likert scales
<block one>
/ trials = noreplacenorepeat[1-16 = passiveview, passiveview, passiveview, passiveview, neutral, neutral, neutral, neutral, minimize, minimize, minimize, minimize, minimize, minimize, minimize, minimize]
<block >
to solve the different number of each type but I dont know how to do this with the two likert scales following each one
Here is my actual code below:
<list textquestions>
/items = ("How positive do you feel?", "How negative do you feel?")
/ selectionmode = 0
<text textquestions>
/size = (500, 70)
/items = ("How positive do you feel?", "How negative do you feel?")
/position = (50, 50)
/halign = center
/ select = noreplace
<shape erasescreen>
/color= (255,255,255)
/size = (100%, 100%)
<page intro1>
^Pictures will show up on the screen and your task is to either view them naturally as if you were watching a movie at home, or view them in a more positive light (positivize), or try and minimize negative feelings (minimize)
^^On each trial, the fixation point will appear, followed by a picture, and then a ratings screen to report how the picture made you feel.
<page finish>
^^Thank you for participating. The demo is now finished.
<text passiveview>
/items = ("Passive")
<text minimizingview>
/items = ("Minimize")
<text positivize>
/items = ("Positivize")
<picture negpic >
/items = negpic
/size = (50%, 50%)
<picture neutralpic >
/items = neutralpic
/size = (50%, 50%)
<item passiveinstructions>
/1 ="just watch"
<text instructions>
/ items = passiveinstructions
/ hjustify = left
/ size = (90%, 60%)
/ position = (50%, 85%)
/ valign = bottom
/ select = instructions
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%)
<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ color = (255, 255, 255)
/ txbgcolor = (0,0,0)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 30pt)
/ erase = false
<text spacebar>
/ items = ("Press the SPACE BAR to begin.")
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ valign = bottom
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%)
<item negpic>
/1 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\1050.jpg"
/2 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\1945.jpg"
/3 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\3005.1.jpg"
/4 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\1111.jpg"
/5 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\1930.jpg"
/6 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\2095.jpg"
/7 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\2110.jpg"
/8 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\2750.jpg"
/9= "IAPS1\IAPS2\2276.jpg"
/10 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\2900.jpg"
<picture targetneg>
/ items = negpic
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<picture targetneutral>
/ items = neutralpic
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<item neutralpic>
/1 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7002.jpg"
/2 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7004.jpg"
/3 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7009.jpg"
/4 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7036.jpg"
/5 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7038.jpg"
/6 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7041.jpg"
/7 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7705.jpg"
/8 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7493.jpg"
/9 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7050.jpg"
/10 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7052.jpg"
/11 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7057.jpg"
/12 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7058.jpg"
/13 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7090.jpg"
/14 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7100.jpg"
/15 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7236.jpg"
/16 = "IAPS1\IAPS2\7235.jpg"
/17 = "Downloads\IAPS\3280.jpg"
/18 = "Downloads\IAPS\3350.jpg"
/19 = "Downloads\IAPS\6540.jpg"
/20 = "Downloads\IAPS\6212.jpg"
/21 = "Downloads\IAPS\6370.jpg"
/22 = "Downloads\IAPS\6415.jpg"
/23 = "Downloads\IAPS\7361.jpg"
/24 = "Downloads\IAPS\6838.jpg"
/25 = "Downloads\IAPS\7359.jpg"
/26 = "Downloads\IAPS\9001.jpg"
/27 = "Downloads\IAPS\9040.jpg"
/28 = "Downloads\IAPS\9042.jpg"
/29 = "Downloads\IAPS\9180.jpg"
/30 = "Downloads\IAPS\9252.jpg"
/31 = "Downloads\IAPS\9341.jpg"
/32 = "Downloads\IAPS\9220.jpg"
/33 = "Downloads\IAPS\9300.jpg"
/34 = "Downloads\IAPS\9320.jpg"
/35 = "Downloads\IAPS\9373.jpg"
/36 = "Downloads\IAPS\9102.jpg"
/37 = "Downloads\IAPS\9417.jpg"
/38 = "Downloads\IAPS\9421.jpg"
/39 = "Downloads\IAPS\9041.jpg"
/40 = "Downloads\IAPS\9415.jpg"
/41 = "Downloads\IAPS\9561.jpg"
/42 = "Downloads\IAPS\9570.jpg"
/43 = "Downloads\IAPS\9592.jpg"
/44 = "Downloads\IAPS\9530.jpg"
/45 = "Downloads\IAPS\9621.jpg"
/46 = "Downloads\IAPS\9008.jpg"
/47 = "Downloads\IAPS\9911.jpg"
/48 = "Downloads\IAPS\9800.jpg"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ lastlabel = "Continue"
/ prevkey = (0)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ windowsize = (90%, 90%)
/ screencolor = (0,0,0)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%)
/ txcolor = (255, 255, 255)
<likert valance>
/ anchors = [1="1", 2="2", 3="3", 4="4", 5="5"]
/ mouse = true
/ stimulusframes = [1= textquestions]
/ position = (50,90)
<trial passiveview>
/ stimulusframes = [1=fixation; 200= passiveview;201=erasescreen, 400=negpic;1200=erasescreen]
/ posttrialpause = 300
/ response = noresponse
<trial minimizeview>
/ stimulusframes = [1=fixation; 200=erasescreen;201=text.minimizingview; 400=negpic; 1200=erasescreen]
/ response = noresponse
/ posttrialpause = 300
<trial neutral >
/ stimulusframes = [1=fixation; 200=erasescreen;201=passiveview;400=neutralpic;1200=erasescreen;]
/ response = noresponse
/ posttrialpause = 300
<block one>
/ trials = [1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22, 25,28,31, 34, 37, 40,43,46= noreplacenorepeat(passiveview, neutral, trial.minimizeview); 2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12,17,18,20,21, 26,27, 29,30,32,33,35,36, 38,39,41,42,44,45, 47,48 =likert.valance]