Dragging and Dropping Multiple Shapes Simultaneously

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Posts: 4, Visits: 124

Is it possible to drag and drop multiple shapes simultaneously? For example, if we wanted two overlapped shapes (e.g. a circle and rectangle) to move together when dragging and dropping (i.e. the rectangle moves wherever the circle is dragged). Here is some of the code we've been working through:

<shape box_left>
/hposition = 10%
/vposition = 60%
/size = (23%,45%)
/color = grey
/droptarget = true
/ dropposition = (anywhere, anywhere)

<shape box_right>
/hposition = 90%
/vposition = 60%
/size = (23%,45%)
/color = grey
/droptarget = true
/ dropposition = (anywhere, anywhere)

<text continue>
/items = ("Continue")
/vposition = 95%
/hposition = 90%
/color = black
/fontstyle = ("Heiti TC", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

<shape rectangle>
/hposition = 50%
/vposition = 50%
/ color = blue
/ height = 25%
/ dropsource = true

<shape circle>
/hposition = 50%
/vposition = 50%
/ color = yellow
/ shape = circle
/ height = 20%
/ dropsource = true

<expt task>
/blocks = [1=test_trials]
/showmousecursor = true

<block test_trials>
/trials = [1-10 = trial]

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=continue, box_left, box_right, rectangle, circle]
/ inputdevice = dragdrop
/ droptargets = (box_left, box_right)
/ validresponse = (continue)

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Alyson - 2/14/2022

Is it possible to drag and drop multiple shapes simultaneously? For example, if we wanted two overlapped shapes (e.g. a circle and rectangle) to move together when dragging and dropping (i.e. the rectangle moves wherever the circle is dragged). Here is some of the code we've been working through:

<shape box_left>
/hposition = 10%
/vposition = 60%
/size = (23%,45%)
/color = grey
/droptarget = true
/ dropposition = (anywhere, anywhere)

<shape box_right>
/hposition = 90%
/vposition = 60%
/size = (23%,45%)
/color = grey
/droptarget = true
/ dropposition = (anywhere, anywhere)

<text continue>
/items = ("Continue")
/vposition = 95%
/hposition = 90%
/color = black
/fontstyle = ("Heiti TC", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

<shape rectangle>
/hposition = 50%
/vposition = 50%
/ color = blue
/ height = 25%
/ dropsource = true

<shape circle>
/hposition = 50%
/vposition = 50%
/ color = yellow
/ shape = circle
/ height = 20%
/ dropsource = true

<expt task>
/blocks = [1=test_trials]
/showmousecursor = true

<block test_trials>
/trials = [1-10 = trial]

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=continue, box_left, box_right, rectangle, circle]
/ inputdevice = dragdrop
/ droptargets = (box_left, box_right)
/ validresponse = (continue)

> Is it possible to drag and drop multiple shapes simultaneously?

They can't be dragged simultaneously. At best, you can move the rectangle to the circle's position once the circle has been dropped.


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