How to give edit access to more than one person to the Inquisit Web experiment?

How to give edit access to more than one person to the Inquisit Web...
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I have a task on Inquisit Web which I am the owner of. I wish to add another person to the experiment so they can look at the data that is being collected. I have added them to the account and they can login but cannot see any data when they go to the Data section of Inquisit Web. Please let me know how I can add them or make co-owner of the experiment.

Thank You
Nidhi Desai
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nidhi_desai - 10/24/2022
I have a task on Inquisit Web which I am the owner of. I wish to add another person to the experiment so they can look at the data that is being collected. I have added them to the account and they can login but cannot see any data when they go to the Data section of Inquisit Web. Please let me know how I can add them or make co-owner of the experiment.

Thank You
Nidhi Desai

Sorry, there currently is no such thing as co-ownership for an experiment and the associated data, so this is not really possible.

If you have account administrator role (  under the web account, you can transfer the experiment's ownership to the other user and they'll have access to the experiment's settings and data. You, as account administrator, would have access to everything anyway. If both you and the other person have only user role under the account, however, there simply is no way for both of you to have access.

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