How would you present large text stimuli?

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for an experiment I want inquisit to present large text stimuli (texts that fill more or less the whole page). However, the specific texts are not exactly the same length all the time. What I want to achieve, is that the headlines of the texts appear in the same position everytime a new text appears. Also the width of the stimuli should be more or less the same. It should feel like reading an e-book, and you can turn the pages by pressing the space bar. I have already experimented with different settings of text stimuli, however I cannot get the different texts to appear evenly. Which attributes should I use?

Thanks for your ideas. I'll need them. :)

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IsabelBr - 10/2/2023

for an experiment I want inquisit to present large text stimuli (texts that fill more or less the whole page). However, the specific texts are not exactly the same length all the time. What I want to achieve, is that the headlines of the texts appear in the same position everytime a new text appears. Also the width of the stimuli should be more or less the same. It should feel like reading an e-book, and you can turn the pages by pressing the space bar. I have already experimented with different settings of text stimuli, however I cannot get the different texts to appear evenly. Which attributes should I use?

Thanks for your ideas. I'll need them. :)

Define a sufficiently large /size for the <text> element at issue.

Then use /halign and /valign to position the text within the bounding rectangle defined by size as needed.


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