Thank you so much for helping us. We have one additional question.
In the test phase, the three faces are presented at
fixed horizontal positions with the paired face always on the left, the pairmate face always in the center, and the unrelated face always on the right.
For our study, we need the horizontal positions of the three faces to be random, where the paired face can show up in any of the three horizontal positions. The vertical position can stay fixed.
We tried to implement a counter, rather than the list that is currently being used. However, we were not successful in getting this to work
<counter positions>
/ items = (20%, 50%, 80%)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
</counter><trial testTrial>
/ ontrialbegin = [
// pick scene to test and associated faces
values.sceneItemnumber = list.sceneItemNumbers.nextvalue; // pick scene to test
values.scenePairedFaceItemnumber = list.scenePairedFaceItemnumbers.nextvalue; // pick face paired to scene
values.scenePairmateFaceItemnumber = list.scenePairmateFaceItemnumbers.nextvalue; // pick face paired to its pairmate scene
values.sceneUnrelatedFaceItemnumber = list.sceneUnrelatedFaceItemnumbers.nextvalue; // pick a unrelated face out of the remaining (not current scene-paired or pairmate-paired)
// randomize horizontal position of scene-paired face, pairmate-paired face, and unrelated random face
values.scenePairedFacePositionnumber = list.testFacePositionNumbers.nextvalue;
picture.testScenePairedFace.hposition =
values.scenePairmateFacePositionnumber = list.testFacePositionNumbers.nextvalue;
picture.testScenePairmateFace.hposition =
values.sceneUnrelatedFacePositionnumber = list.testFacePositionNumbers.nextvalue;
picture.testSceneUnrelatedFace.hposition =
/ stimulustimes = [0=testScene, testScenePairedFace, testScenePairmateFace, testSceneUnrelatedFace]
/ validresponse = ("1", "2", "3")
/ iscorrectresponse = [
trial.testTrial.responsetext == values.scenePairedFacePositionNumber; // correct if position of scene-paired face identified
/ timeout = 5000
/ branch = [trial.pause
Can you please help us with randomizing the horizontal positions of the faces during the test phase? Thanks!