Editing HTM files from Millisecond IAT library using htmlpage for instructions in Number Vigilance test checkboxes correct responses and data Creating drop-down buttons list selection Can I force a response? Dot memory task and BART in one programme background image jolts between trial and surveypage element surveypage - sound when clicking image InquisitLab Touch input on Laptops? manipulating the selection of different items for text stimuli presented throughout a blocked experiment with noreplacenorepeat and resetinterval = 0 Changing variable value within an "include" file fixed randomized trial order Assistance in programming a priming study (input on whether the desired design is possible and which script to use) Making inquisit 3 files work for inquisit 5; Issues with getItem function Cannot download data from inquisit web Issue with Button to Download Inquisit from Apple Store basing input device on a previous selection from drop down menu How to Present Stimuli Provided by Subjects (Inquisit 5) Suggestion - adding more URL query parameters