Passing inquisit subject ID numbers to qualtrics click once did not end the trial RF-IAT group assignment Batch File Crashing Running Inquisit 5 script on Inquisit 3? Issue with subsequent stimulus disappearing after valid response Images to Instruction Pages Please Help!!! Why are links to custom ending pages sensitive to the registered script name's case? Reading number of correct responses in surveypage within the script? Inquisit 5 programmer NEEDED - NYC area Changing the color of pictures? How to control when recording starts when using "input device = voicerecord" Need to correct syntax with likert scale + images Passing inquisit subject ID numbers to qualtrics Is there a way to send people to different experiment scripts based on survey responses within a batch Timeout as correct response using to send serial signals via (virtual) com port Can Inquisite use equations to mathematically define the gray-scale values of visual stimuli? Problems with scroll down