Counterbalancing on MTurk How do i have more than one test at a time Batching several Inquisit Scripts and Qualtrics integration How to Allow Multiple Responses for Openended Trials? stroop windowsresponse checkboxes-element, other-attribute CHILDREN'S TEST OF NONWORD REPETITION (CNRep) not working Reducing practice trials for listening span test (letter recall) Make changes to web script after pilot/trial? ontrialend not reading response correctly? Uneven number of trials for different conditions in the experiment Participants seeing "access denied" Resort to default item if dynamically set item is not found (a.k.a. avoid error forced quit) User ability to manipulate other Data files Tobii EyeX Compatability? Having trouble tracking the images displayed Calculate percentile without all means using labels for block-elements Inquisit Web: not all data files are downloaded put external link at the end of inquisit task?