Redirect from Inquisit to Qualtrics within the same tab/page change subject id for collected data Item.endorsed.appenditem error Allowing response before presentation of last item in a trial If/then with scan codes Increasing practice trials in IAT Randomization with Stimulus Pairs + Incorporation of Likert Response does not record for a trial when no response was made with /stop criteria Latency for multiple responses in one trial " is defined more than once" error Participant unable to install inquisit: receives error message Introducing a timeout after a trial and restart the trial! Inquisit Web Experiences ?? Send markers to the eye-tracker through everytime a response is made Creating a randomized list and storing it Affective Priming - Trials Only Use One Image Selecting video item that subjects saw 10 trials ago where no error occurred Does insertstimulusframes need a reset interval? how to record both keyboard and mouse responses within a single trial values.score in trials shows ERROR