Millisecond Forums

issue with n-back script

By paughl - 10/28/2014

Hi there,

I'm struggling to debug an issue I have with a modified version of the Nback task uploaded on Inquisit. I am wanting to run only N=1 and N=2. However, i cannot get the script to deliver 3 blocks of each (it delivers 4 of one and 2 of another, or all of 1, etc). I did not write this script, so am unsure where to look for the solution. My modified script is attached.

Many thanks in advance (under time-pressure for this!)
By Dave - 10/28/2014

It's quite simple. <counter> elements' selection pools by default *reset* at the beginning of a <block>. If you want to keep the selection pool intact *across blocks*, you ought to specify a proper /resetinterval

<counter Nlevel>
/items = (1,2,1,2,1,2)
/ select = sequence
/ resetinterval = 0

(0 means 'never reset unless out of items to sample from')

In addition, please make sure your Inquisit version is up to date. For Inquisit 3, you ought to be using version
By paughl - 10/29/2014

Many thanks Dave! Sorted.