Millisecond Forums

slider response in summary data

By bmatt - 2/26/2015

I'm having trouble getting responses to slider items showing up in summary data.  I have created separate sliders for specific items (each on their own survey page), like so...

<survey item_ratings>
/ pages = [1 = rate_item1]

<surveypage rate_item1>
/ caption = "Please rate how positive or negative the following items are:"
/ questions = [1=item1]
/ finishlabel = "Next"

<slider item1>
/ caption = "Item 1"
/ labels = ("very negative", "very positive")
/ range = (0, 60)
/ increment = 1
/ showticks = false
/ showtooltips = false
/ required = true

Then, in summary data, I request responses to this item, like so...

/ columns = [slider.item1.response]

I am running the Monkey to ensure my summarydata is recording properly.  I am getting values for all of my other columns, such as likert responses, but the slider.item1.response column remains blank.  Any sense on what I'm doing wrong here? 

By Dave - 2/26/2015

You're not doing anything wrong. Most likely your Inquisit installation is outdated -- <summarydata> could not be used together with <survey> elements initially. Make sure you download & install the latest version ( and it should work just fine.

EDIT: I missed the fact that you are specifically using the monkey, not testing manually. I can reproduce the monkey-case (it does not provide a slider-response -- neither in the summary nor in the raw data file). It works fine when you run the script manually, though. This only happens when /required is set to 'true' in the <slider>. To generate test data, you can temporarily set it to false and do something along the lines of:

<slider item1>
/ caption = "Item 1"
/ labels = ("very negative", "very positive")
/ range = (0, 60)
/ increment = 1
/ showticks = false
/ showtooltips = false
/ required = false
/ monkeyresponse = [round(rand(0,60));]


By bmatt - 2/26/2015

Ah, okay, thanks!