Millisecond Forums

Inquisit 4 crashes when running automated OSPAN

By Kay - 11/4/2015

inquisit 4 always stops working in the same place when I run the automated OSPAN. It is right after the first practice math problem is shown. Does anybody have a solution?
By Dave - 11/4/2015

I just ran the OSPAN script on my system and I'm not seeing any crash or other hangup. The script proceeds through the practice math problems just fine / without any errors.

#1: Which Inquisit version are you running? If it is not up to date, update your installation to the latest release and see if the issue persists.
#2: For clarification: What does "always stops working" mean specifically? What is the exact error message and/or output in the error log? Also, can you be more specific re. "right after the first practice math problem is shown": Does the crash (?) occur *while* the math problem is still visible (i.e. in <trial prac_show_math>) or on the response screen (i.e. in <trial prac_solve_math>)?
#3: Finally, are you running the OSPAN script available at or have you or anyone else made any modifications? If so, which?
