By BenS - 8/21/2016
I have a problem with insertstimulusframe - I have different SOA, and one SOA (9 frames) requires the target ("picture.righttarget") to be drawn on the exact same frame (70) the cue ends ("rightsquare_out, rightsquare_in" whereby rightsquare_in is the black interior of a white square ("rightsqaure_out"), like so:
Unfortunately, insertstimulusframe seems to draw the target before the squares, which leads to the target not appearing at all when currentsoa = 9. Is there any way to specify the order several things are drawn during one frame with insertstimulusframes?
My code is <trial same_late_right> /ontrialbegin = [trial.same_late_right.insertstimulusframe(picture.righttarget, (61 + values.currentsoa))] /stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 31=centersquare_out, centersquare_in, leftsquare_out, leftsquare_in, rightsquare_out, rightsquare_in; 61 = rightsquare_out_bright, rightsquare_in; 70 = rightsquare_out, rightsquare_in; 91 = centersquare_out_bright, centersquare_in; 100 = centersquare_out, centersquare_in] ... </trial>
By Dave - 8/21/2016
> Unfortunately, insertstimulusframe seems to draw the target before the squares, which leads to the target not appearing at all when > currentsoa = 9.
Actually that is not how insertstimulusframe() is supposed to behave (and it doesn't behave like that for me). The target is (supposed to be) inserted *after* the stimuli that are already present in the frame (the outer and inner squares). Here's a simplified script for testing purposes
<block myblock> / trials = [1-4=example] </block>
<trial example> /ontrialbegin = [trial.example.insertstimulusframe(, (61 + values.currentsoa))] / ontrialend = [trial.example.resetstimulusframes(); ] /stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 70 = square_out, square_in; 91 = blank] / validresponse = (57) </trial>
<values> / currentsoa = 9 </values>
<text fixation> / items = ("+") </text>
<shape square_out> / shape = rectangle / color = orangered / size = (210px, 210px) </shape>
<shape square_in> / shape = rectangle / color = black / size = (200px, 200px) </shape>
<text target> / items = ("TARGET") / txcolor = yellow </text>
<shape blank> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) </shape>
and a screenshot of the result.
I'm running this under the most recent Inquisit 4 release. Does the target stimulus show up on your system when running the above example script?
By BenS - 8/26/2016
It does, which makes me very confused :D. I'll take a dive into my code and try to find differences.