Millisecond Forums

refering to the anser of one question in another question

By JuliaNo - 2/20/2017

I want to first ask people where they are from, and then ask several questions that refer to their homecountry. However, when I refer to the answer of the first question in another question, Inquisit does not display anything... How do I refer to the given answer correctly?
Here's how my code works:

<radiobuttons nationality2>
/ caption = "What is your nationality?"
/ options = ("German", "Portuguese")
/ optionvalues = ("Germany", "Portugal", "my home country")
/ other = "Other"

<slider NatiIdentGerman1>
/ caption = "I identify strongly with other people in <%dropdown.nationality2.selectedvalue%>.~n"
/ labels = ("Strongly ~ndisagree", "Disagree", "Somewhat ~ndisagree", "Neither agree ~nor disagree", "Somewhat ~nagree", "Agree", "strongly ~nagree")
/ range = (1, 7)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)
/ showtooltips = false

<surveypage Nationality>
/ caption = "Please anwer the following questions."
/ questions = [1= nationality2]

<surveypage IdentificationOwnCountry>
/ caption = "Please indicate to what degree you agree with the following statements."
/ questions = [1=NatiIdentGerman1]

<block EndQuestions>
/ trials = [1=Nationality; 2=IdentificationOwnCountry]
/ itemfontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
By Dave - 2/20/2017

JuliaNo - Tuesday, February 21, 2017
I want to first ask people where they are from, and then ask several questions that refer to their homecountry. However, when I refer to the answer of the first question in another question, Inquisit does not display anything... How do I refer to the given answer correctly?
Here's how my code works:

<radiobuttons nationality2>
/ caption = "What is your nationality?"
/ options = ("German", "Portuguese")
/ optionvalues = ("Germany", "Portugal", "my home country")
/ other = "Other"

<slider NatiIdentGerman1>
/ caption = "I identify strongly with other people in <%dropdown.nationality2.selectedvalue%>.~n"
/ labels = ("Strongly ~ndisagree", "Disagree", "Somewhat ~ndisagree", "Neither agree ~nor disagree", "Somewhat ~nagree", "Agree", "strongly ~nagree")
/ range = (1, 7)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)
/ showtooltips = false

<surveypage Nationality>
/ caption = "Please anwer the following questions."
/ questions = [1= nationality2]

<surveypage IdentificationOwnCountry>
/ caption = "Please indicate to what degree you agree with the following statements."
/ questions = [1=NatiIdentGerman1]

<block EndQuestions>
/ trials = [1=Nationality; 2=IdentificationOwnCountry]
/ itemfontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

<slider NatiIdentGerman1>
/ caption = "I identify strongly with other people in <%dropdown.nationality2.selectedvalue%>.~n"

needs to read

<slider NatiIdentGerman1>
/ caption = "I identify strongly with other people in <%radiobuttons.nationality2.response%>.~n"