This is my first time using Inquisit, and I've had a look through the documentation but I'm unsure if I have found the correct answer.
I am trying to run 5 tests in one battery. The first is the Colour Word Stroop, the remaining 4 are all set up as surveys.
I need to run the stroop first in all participants, and one specific survey last for all participants.
However, I need the remaining 3 tests to run in random order. All participants complete all tests.
I tried group assignment, but then realised that was for Inquisit V6. Unfortunately my access is only for V5, and from what I can see this can't be done in V5 - at least not in the batch file.
Is there another roundabout way that I could achieve the same outcome? I have read a little about potentially turning the tests into experiments but I'm a little confused on if this is possible, and how to actually do so.
Thank you so much for any guidance you can give!