Millisecond Forums

error loading images

By ishairston - 12/15/2022

Hi there,
When trying to load images to a script i get the following error:
WIC Error: 0x80070057 The parameter is incorrect. Line 1484, File win\Direct2DGraphics.cpp

I'm running inquisit 5 on Windows 10 Enterprise (if that matters).


By Dave - 12/15/2022

ishairston - 12/15/2022
Hi there,
When trying to load images to a script i get the following error:
WIC Error: 0x80070057 The parameter is incorrect. Line 1484, File win\Direct2DGraphics.cpp

I'm running inquisit 5 on Windows 10 Enterprise (if that matters).


WIC stands for Windows Imaging Component. It's a standard Windows operating system component that applications, including Inquisit, use to render images on-screen. The error indicates that there's a problem with either the WIC on your system -- it could be outdated; WIC updates are shipped via WIndows Update, so make sure the system is fully up to date -- or with the specific images you are using. For example, invalid metadata in JPEG files or other image formats can cause this error. You can remove the image metadata via your preferred image editing application, or use something like IrfanView (free) to remove image metadata in bulk if you're dealing with many image files.
By ishairston - 12/15/2022

I had the same error on a different computer, so my guess is that it's the images. they were converted from Gimp, so perhaps something in the conversion.