By ttyelnv - 11/17/2023

Dear Dave,
I hope all is well. I recently noticed something during my experiment. Whenever I use Inquisit, my Eyelink SR consistently displays a highlighted '0.01' in red (image attached below). I'm wondering if this message indicates a time lag in the communication between Inquisit and Eyelink SR. If that's the case, I would appreciate any guidance on how to resolve this issue. I've reviewed the Eyelink manual but couldn't find a solution. Thank you in advance for your assistance. -- M
By Dave - 11/17/2023
+x Dear Dave, I hope all is well. I recently noticed something during my experiment. Whenever I use Inquisit, my Eyelink SR consistently displays a highlighted '0.01' in red (image attached below). I'm wondering if this message indicates a time lag in the communication between Inquisit and Eyelink SR. If that's the case, I would appreciate any guidance on how to resolve this issue. I've reviewed the Eyelink manual but couldn't find a solution. Thank you in advance for your assistance. -- M Per SR (personal communication):
"The red printout is the indication of the percentage of memory buffers used. This is mostly seen in the output mode (before you switch to the actual recording screen). You can ignore this printout unless there is a large printout value (usually following a large recording chunk or the system is flooded with lots of messages etc)."
If you are seeing large values, you can send the eye.log file from the problematic session (located under 'elcl\exe' on the host computer) to SR support and they should be able to help narrow down the problem.
By ttyelnv - 11/18/2023
I see, thank you very much Dave!