Millisecond Forums

Problem with the include function

By schilleriana - 8/21/2012

We have a problem with the include function.

We have two files experimentkreativhoch.exp and experimentkreativganz.exp, which are included in the testDurchgang.exp.

The <expressions>, <values> and <defaults> tags are in the testDurchgang.exp file.

The problem now is to run the experiment. The Inquisit Application crashed immediately after clicking the run button.

Scripts: (

We hope someone can help us!



By Dave - 8/21/2012

#1: The following <survey> definition is wrong:

<survey kreativ_ganz_survey>
/ pages =[1=surveypage kreativ_ganz;2=surveypage kreativ_ganz_ende]

#2: <surveypage kreativ_hoch> refers to an expression that does not exist:

Expression 'expressions.answer_hochh' is invalid. Expression contains an unknown element or property name.

#3: Your <expressions> refer to an <item verstehenwords> element which does not exist in any of the files:

/ answer_hoch = getitem(item.verstehenwords, values.verstehen_itemnumber)
/ answer_ganz = getitem(item.verstehenwords, values.ganz_itemnumber)

I recommend you revise your code carefully.



By schilleriana - 8/21/2012

Hello Dave

Thanks to your advices I've revised my code.

I revised the code (experimentkreativganz.exp, experimentkreativhoch.exp and testDurchgang.exp), but the problem is, that Inquisit crashed after clicking the "run" button (testDurchgang.exp). I have, when I will use the <include> function, no possibility to check the errors.

I have put a single file (experimentkreativganz_single_file.exp) in the rar file. With this one, Inquisit will run without a problem.

(The new file: )



By Dave - 8/22/2012

Seems like the include function is simply overwhelmed by the sheer length of the to-be-included scripts, ultimately resulting in a hard crash. Until this bug gets fixed, your options are:

- Do not use include in this particular case. Keep everything in a single file instead.


- Shorten your scripts by revising the scoring. There is a lot of redundancy and you could streamline things dramatically by making use of string functions (e.g. contains();) and recursive expressions.

Best regards,


By schilleriana - 8/22/2012

Hello Dave

Thank you for your response.

Yes, I see the problem with the redundancy [:)]

I will to check whether the synonym are in the list or not. The problem is to check the whole list of the items in a recursive way.  


/ answer = getitem(item.ganzwords, values.ganz_itemnumber)


When I use the Expression function, I can go to the whole list of the items with increasing the values.ganz_itemnumber. The problem for me is

the expression


/ answer = getitem(item.ganzwords, values.ganz_itemnumber)


I can´t use a "for/while" command. 

I will here increase the values.ganz_itemnumber in a recursive way and not to use in a such way

if( contains(textbox.handlung_eingabe1.response, expressions.answer) == true ) )  {values.handlung_richtige = concat(concat(values.handlung_richtige," "),expressions.answer)}; values.ganz_itemnumber+1

if( contains(textbox.handlung_eingabe1.response, expressions.answer) == true ) ) {values.handlung_richtige = concat(concat(values.handlung_richtige," "),expressions.answer)}; values.ganz_itemnumber+1

if( contains(textbox.handlung_eingabe1.response, expressions.answer) == true ) ) {values.handlung_richtige = concat(concat(values.handlung_richtige," "),expressions.answer)}; values.ganz_itemnumber+1

Do you have any solutions?



By Dave - 8/22/2012

There are several options. One would be to *not* use an <item> element to store the correct responses, but instead list them in a single long string. I.e.

/ validanswers = "Car,Cat,Case,Chair,Choir,..."

and then use the contains() function to check if the given response is contained in the string.



By schilleriana - 8/22/2012

Thank you David.

This is a very good idea.

