Hello Dave
Thank you for your response.
Yes, I see the problem with the redundancy [:)]
I will to check whether the synonym are in the list or not. The problem is to check the whole list of the items in a recursive way.
/ answer = getitem(item.ganzwords, values.ganz_itemnumber)
When I use the Expression function, I can go to the whole list of the items with increasing the values.ganz_itemnumber. The problem for me is
the expression
/ answer = getitem(item.ganzwords, values.ganz_itemnumber)
I can´t use a "for/while" command.
I will here increase the values.ganz_itemnumber in a recursive way and not to use in a such way
if( contains(textbox.handlung_eingabe1.response, expressions.answer) == true ) ) {values.handlung_richtige = concat(concat(values.handlung_richtige," "),expressions.answer)}; values.ganz_itemnumber+1
if( contains(textbox.handlung_eingabe1.response, expressions.answer) == true ) ) {values.handlung_richtige = concat(concat(values.handlung_richtige," "),expressions.answer)}; values.ganz_itemnumber+1
if( contains(textbox.handlung_eingabe1.response, expressions.answer) == true ) ) {values.handlung_richtige = concat(concat(values.handlung_richtige," "),expressions.answer)}; values.ganz_itemnumber+1
Do you have any solutions?