I have tried to modify a script posted by Dave on this topic and despite using the list element and the counter element have not been able to find a solution.
Using the counter I get overlap of images despite my use of the not operator so possibly some simple error on my behalf - script below.
Using the list element I can get flawless displays, but cannot find out how to determine where the X image is placed on each iteration, so that I can use that to attach a target image in the second phase of the trial.
Counter Script:
/ screencolor = (0,0,0)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 20pt)
<block myblock>
/ trials = [1=mytrial]
Trial presents one type 1 stimulus and four type 2 stimuli
<trial mytrial>
/ stimulustimes = [1= fixation,pic1,pic2,pic3,pic4,xpos]
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ ontrialend = [reset(counter.type1xpos,counter.type1ypos,counter.type2xpos,counter.type2ypos,counter.type3xpos,counter.type3ypos,counter.type4xpos,counter.type4ypos)]
There will 16 possible displays for a 2x2 matric with 4 different images
<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ color = white
/ txbgcolor = (0,0,0)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 30pt)
/ erase = false
<picture pic1>
/items= ("letter X.png")
/ vposition = counter.type1xpos.selectedvalue
/ hposition = counter.type1ypos.selectedvalue
<picture pic2>
/items= ("letter H.png")
/ vposition = counter.type2xpos.selectedvalue
/ hposition = counter.type2ypos.selectedvalue
<picture pic3>
/items= ("letter I.png")
/ vposition = counter.type3xpos.selectedvalue
/ hposition = counter.type3ypos.selectedvalue
<picture pic4>
/items= ("letter T.png")
/ vposition = counter.type4xpos.selectedvalue
/ hposition = counter.type4ypos.selectedvalue
Four candidate positions for pic1 stimulus (25% & 75%)
<counter type1xpos>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)
/ select = noreplace
<counter type1ypos>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)
/ select = noreplace
Candidate positions for pic2 stimuli (all positions but *not* the
one already chosen for pic1 stimulus)
<counter type2xpos>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)
/ not = (type1xpos)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
<counter type2ypos>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)
/ not = (type1ypos)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
Candidate positions for pic3 stimuli (all positions but *not* the
ones already chosen for pic1 or pic2 stimulus)
<counter type3xpos>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)
/ not = (type1xpos,type2xpos)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
<counter type3ypos>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)
/ not = (type1ypos,type2ypos)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
Candidate positions for pic3 stimuli (all positions but *not* the
ones already chosen for pic1, pic2 or pic3 stimulus)
<counter type4xpos>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)
/ not = (type1xpos,type2xpos,type3xpos)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
<counter type4ypos>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)
/ not = (type1ypos,type2ypos,type3ypos)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
debug message
<text xpos>
/ items= (" X hposition = <% picture.pic1.hposition %> and vpos is <% picture.pic1.vposition %>")
List controlled counter
/ screencolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 20pt)
Display Items
<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ color = white
/ txbgcolor = (0,0,0)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 30pt)
/ erase = false
<item fourdistractors >
/1 = "letter X.png"
/1 = "letter H.png"
/2 = "letter I.png"
/3 = "letter T.png"
<picture fourd01>
/items = fourdistractors
/select = fourd01counter
/position = (25%,25%)
/erase = true(black)
/transparentcolor = (black)
<picture fourd02>
/items = fourdistractors
/select = fourd02counter
/position = (25%,75%)
/erase = true(black)
/transparentcolor = (black)
<picture fourd03>
/items = fourdistractors
/select = fourd03counter
/position = (75%,25%)
/erase = true(black)
/transparentcolor = (black)
<picture fourd04>
/items = fourdistractors
/select = fourd04counter
/position = (75%,75%)
/erase = true(black)
/transparentcolor = (black)
Counters for 4 distractors
<list fourd01counter>
/items = (1,2,3,4)
<list fourd02counter>
/items = (1,2,3,4)
/not = (fourd01counter)
<list fourd03counter>
/items = (1,2,3,4)
/not = (list.fourd01counter.nextvalue, list.fourd02counter.nextvalue)
<list fourd04counter>
/items = (1,2,3,4)
/not = (list.fourd01counter.nextvalue, list.fourd02counter.nextvalue,list.fourd03counter.nextvalue)
/ selectionrate = trial
<trial displayone>
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=fourd01,fourd02,fourd03,fourd04]
/ timeout= 3500
<block jayblockone>
/ trials = [1=displayone]
/ bgstim = (fixation)
/ blocks = [1=jayblockone]
debugging messages
With thanks,