ask for help on how to add a break within a block

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Posts: 7, Visits: 1


I am trying to use inquisit to make a vocal stroop experiment, but I encountered several problems here. I've tried several codes, but  really do not know how to solve them.

1. How to add a  fixation plus before each trial, and add a blank at the end of the trial?

2. How to add a rest in the middle of a block, such as I have 100 trials in a block, how to add a rest in the 50th block?

3. Since I want to do the vocal stroop experiment, where to adjust the SNR? 

4. How to use an .img file as an instruction?

Down below is all my  codes now, which is adapted from an example. It's the part which can run successfully on my computer.


*** DEFAULTS *****



/ font = ("Arial", -24, 700, 0, 34)

/ inputdevice = voicerecord

/ posttrialpause = 500



/ columns = [date time subject trialcode blockcode blocknum trialnum latency response stimulusitem stimulusitem] 





<item picture>



























<picture cd1.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd2.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd3.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd4.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd5.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd6.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd7.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd8.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd9.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd10.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd11.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd12.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd13.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd14.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd15.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd16.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd17.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd18.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd19.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cd20.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cs1.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cs2.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cs3.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cs4.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<picture cs5.bmp>

/ items = picture

/size=(14%, 14%)


<text target>

/ items = ("*")

/ color = (255, 255, 255)






/ nextkey = (" ")

/ lastlabel = "Press the spacebar to continue"

/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar to continue"

/ wait = 500


<page welcome>


Welcome to the Stroop Color Naming Task.


<page page1>

Your task is to tell  the color of  the word or color patch that appears on the screen is yellow, green, red, blue or black. Please remember to tell the color of words (not their real pronunciations).Try to speak as quickly as you can , because you will be timed.


<page end>

This is the end. Thank you for your participation. 



*** TRIALS *****


<trial picturecd1.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd1.bmp]


<trial picturecd2.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd2.bmp]


<trial picturecd3.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd3.bmp]


<trial picturecd4.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd4.bmp]


<trial picturecd5.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd5.bmp]


<trial picturecd6.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd6.bmp]


<trial picturecd7.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd7.bmp]


<trial picturecd8.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd8.bmp]


<trial picturecd9.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd9.bmp]


<trial picturecd10.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd10.bmp]


<trial picturecd11.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd11.bmp]


<trial picturecd12.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd12.bmp]


<trial picturecd13.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd13.bmp]


<trial picturecd14.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd14.bmp]


<trial picturecd15.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd15.bmp]


<trial picturecd16.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd16.bmp]


<trial picturecd17.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd17.bmp]


<trial picturecd18.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd18.bmp]


<trial picturecd19.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd19.bmp]


<trial picturecd20.bmp> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=target;200=cd20.bmp]



*** BLOCKS *****


<block practice>


/ trials = [1-8 =noreplace(picturecd1.BMP,picturecs2.BMP,pictureed6.BMP,picturees4.BMP,picturemd10.BMP,picturems1.BMP,picturep1.BMP,pictureud3.BMP



<block Chinesesame>

/preinstructions =(page1)

/ trials = [1-20 =noreplace(picturecs1.BMP,picturecs2.BMP,picturecs3.BMP,picturecs4.BMP,picturecs5.BMP)]


<block Chinesedifferent>

/preinstructions =(page1)

/ trials = [1-80 =noreplace(picturecd1.BMP,picturecd2.BMP,picturecd3.BMP,picturecd4.BMP,picturecd5.BMP,picturecd6.BMP,picturecd7.BMP,picturecd8.BMP,picturecd9.BMP,picturecd10.BMP,picturecd11.BMP,picturecd12.BMP,picturecd13.BMP,picturecd14.BMP,picturecd15.BMP,picturecd16.BMP,picturecd17.BMP,picturecd18.BMP,picturecd19.BMP,picturecd20.BMP)]






/ blocks = [1=practice;2=Chinesedifferent;3=Chinesesame]

/ preinstructions = (welcome)

/ postinstructions = (end)


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1. How to add a  fixation plus before each trial, and add a blank at the end of the trial?

Define the appropriate <text> elements and have them displayed via your <trial>s /stimulustimes. For an introduction to such basics, please complete the tutorials in the Inquisit documentation.

2. How to add a rest in the middle of a block, such as I have 100 trials in a block, how to add a rest in the 50th block?

Simply run a different <trial> with appropriate /trialduration as the 50th trial in the given block. See the documentation for the <block> element's /trials attribute for details.

3. Since I want to do the vocal stroop experiment, where to adjust the SNR? 

See the documentation for the /voicekeythreshold attribute. Running Tools -> Microphone Wizard... may also be necessary.

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Thanks so much for your suggestion, Dave. I write my codes according to your suggestions, and I can add a fixation now. I still have another question for which I've looked for answers in tutorial, but still couldn't figure it out.

I asked you yesterday, how to add a rest within the middle of a block, but I forgot one prerequisite. That is how to keep all other trials radomized.

For example, if I have 101 trials, the 51th trial is a rest. How can I randomize all other trials---- not just randomize trials with 1-50 and 52-101, but  trials from 1 to 101 except for the 51th trial?

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<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-50, 52-101 = noreplace(a, b, c, d); 51=rest]

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Thanks so much, Dave. 

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You're welcome. Best of luck with your research.


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