Image Stimulus Glitch

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Posts: 5, Visits: 4

Hello all,

We have only just begun working with Inquisit 4 to try and create a simple 'visual looking task'. Basically, all we really want to do, for the moment, is display 16 pictures individually for 10 seconds each (6 second interval between each presentation).

We have managed to do this, however there seems to be a glitch with the presentation of the first photo stimulus, and we really do not know why: - A photo rapidly appears out of sequence before the presentation of a stimulus we want to appear first.

Here is a copy of our script:

<item targetA>
/ 1 = items "obese1.jpg"

<item targetB>
/ 2 = items "obese2.jpg"

<item targetC>
/ 3 = items "obese3.jpg"

<item targetD>
/ 4 = items "obese4.jpg"

<item targetE>
/ 5 = items "obese5.jpg"

<item targetF>
/ 6 = items "obese6.jpg"

<item targetG>
/ 7 = items "obese7.jpg"

<item targetH>
/ 8 = items "obese8.jpg"

<item targetI>
/ 9 = items "normal1.jpg"

<item targetJ>
/ 10 = items "normal2.jpg"

<item targetK>
/ 11 = items "normal3.jpg"

<item targetL>
/ 12 = items "normal4.jpg"

<item targetM>
/ 13 = items "normal5.jpg"

<item targetN>
/ 14 = items "normal6.jpg"

<item targetO>
/ 15 = items"normal7.jpg"

<item targetP>
/ 16 = items "normal8.jpg"

<item whitesquare>
/17 = items "whitesquare"

<picture targetA>
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("obese1.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetB>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese2.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetC>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese3.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetD>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese4.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetE>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese5.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetF>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese6.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetG>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese7.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetH>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese8.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetI>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal1.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetJ>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal2.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetK>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal3.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetL>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal4.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetM>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal5.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetN>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal6.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetO>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal7.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetP>
/numitems = 1
/ items = ("normal8.jpg")
/ position = (50, 50)
/size = (80%, 80%)

<shape whitesquare>
/color = (white)
/ erase = true (white)
/size = (100%, 100%)

<page intro>
^^^Neural Processing of Visual Stimuli
^^ Welcome and thank you for participating.

<page intro2>

^^^In a moment, you will see some images on the computer screen.

^^Physiological signals will be recorded from your head at the same time.

^^Please try to keep your eyes focused on the screen.

^^When you are ready, press the space bar to begin.

<page end>
^^^This is the end of the study.

^^Please let the experimenter know that you are finished.

^^Thank you!

/ nextkey = ("5")
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ windowsize = (90%, 90%)
/ screencolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 3%)
/ txcolor = (255, 255, 255)

<trial trial1>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 3000

<trial trial2>
/pretrialpause = 250
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetA]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial3>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial4>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetB]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial5>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial6>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetC]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial7>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial8>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetD]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial9>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial10>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetE]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial11>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial12>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetF]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial13>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial14>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetG]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial15>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial16>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetH]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial17>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial18>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetI]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial19>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial20>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetJ]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial21>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial22>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetK]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial23>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial24>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetL]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial25>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial26>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetM]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial27>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial28>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetN]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial29>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial30>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetO]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial31>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = whitesquare]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial32>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetP]
/ trialduration = 10000
/posttrialpause = 250

<block basicblock>
/bgstim = (targetA, whitesquare, targetB, targetC, targetD, targetE, targetF, targetG, targetH, targetI, targetJ, targetK, targetL, targetM, targetN, targetO, targetP)
/responsemode = free
/trials = [1=trial1; 2=trial2; 3=trial3; 4=trial4; 5=trial5; 6=trial6; 7=trial7; 8=trial8; 9=trial9; 10=trial10; 11=trial11; 12=trial12; 13=trial13; 14=trial14; 15=trial15; 16=trial16; 17=trial17; 18=trial18; 19=trial19; 20=trial20; 21=trial21; 22=trial22; 23=trial23; 24=trial24; 25=trial25; 26=trial26; 27=trial27; 28=trial28; 29=trial29; 30=trial30; 31=trial31; 32=trial32]

/ preinstructions = (intro, intro2)
/ blocks = [1=basicblock]
/ postinstructions = (end)

It does not seem to be a corrupt .jpg file as we have tried removing the culprit picture from the script, and the problem still occurs.

We have also tried re-writing the script and the same issue occurs.

Let us know if you need us to send any more information.

Please help!


Joanne and Suzanna

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K

<block basicblock>
/bgstim = (targetA, whitesquare, targetB, targetC, targetD, targetE, targetF, targetG, targetH, targetI, targetJ, targetK, targetL, targetM, targetN, targetO, targetP)
/responsemode = free
/trials = [1=trial1; 2=trial2; 3=trial3; 4=trial4; 5=trial5; 6=trial6; 7=trial7; 8=trial8; 9=trial9; 10=trial10; 11=trial11; 12=trial12; 13=trial13; 14=trial14; 15=trial15; 16=trial16; 17=trial17; 18=trial18; 19=trial19; 20=trial20; 21=trial21; 22=trial22; 23=trial23; 24=trial24; 25=trial25; 26=trial26; 27=trial27; 28=trial28; 29=trial29; 30=trial30; 31=trial31; 32=trial32]

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Hi Dave,

I see! We have changed the script and now it is working. Thank you for your help!

Joanne and Suzanna

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Posts: 5, Visits: 4

Hi again,

Ok, so now we have a different problem. We had worked everything out and now suddenly each time we run the experiment one picture (it changes each run through) does not show, and the white square stays on the screen for 22seconds.

Each picture is supposed to stay on the screen for 10seconds, with 6 seconds of white screen between each (as well as 3 seconds right at the start before any pictures are presented).

<item targetA>
/ 1 = items "obese1.jpg"

<item targetB>
/ 2 = items "obese2.jpg"

<item targetC>
/ 3 = items "obese3.jpg"

<item targetD>
/ 4 = items "obese4.jpg"

<item targetE>
/ 5 = items "obese5.jpg"

<item targetF>
/ 6 = items "obese6.jpg"

<item targetG>
/ 7 = items "obese7.jpg"

<item targetH>
/ 8 = items "obese8.jpg"

<item targetI>
/ 9 = items "normal1.jpg"

<item targetJ>
/ 10 = items "normal2.jpg"

<item targetK>
/ 11 = items "normal3.jpg"

<item targetL>
/ 12 = items "normal4.jpg"

<item targetM>
/ 13 = items "normal5.jpg"

<item targetN>
/ 14 = items "normal6.jpg"

<item targetO>
/ 15 = items "normal7.jpg"

<item targetP>
/ 16 = items "normal8.jpg"

<shape targetQ>
/color = (white)
/erase = true (white)
/position = (50, 50)
/ size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetA>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese1.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetB>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese2.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetC>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese3.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetD>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese4.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetE>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese5.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetF>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese6.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetG>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese7.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetH>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("obese8.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetI>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal1.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetJ>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal2.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetK>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal3.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetL>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal4.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetM>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal5.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetN>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal6.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (0%, 80%)

<picture targetO>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal7.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<picture targetP>
/ numitems = 1
/items = ("normal8.jpg")
/position = (50, 50 )
/size = (80%, 80%)

<page intro>
^^^Welcome to our study of the Neural Processing of Visual Stimuli
^^ Thank you for participating.
^^ Press the SPACE BAR to continue.

<page intro2>
^^^In a moment, you will see some images on the computer screen.

^^Physiological signals will be recorded from your head at the same time. Please try to keep your eyes focused on the screen throughout this task.

^^When you are ready, please press the SPACE BAR to begin.

<page end>
^^^This is the end of the study.

^^Please press the SPACE BAR to exit the study and let the experimenter know you have finished.

^^Thank you!

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 5%)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/nextlabel =("Press the SPACE BAR to continue")
/ prevkey = (noresponse)
/ screencolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ txcolor = (255, 255, 255)
/ windowsize = (100%, 100%)
/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 5%)

<trial trial1>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetQ]
/ trialduration = 6000

<trial trial2>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetA]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial3>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetB]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial4>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetC]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial5>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetD]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial6>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetE]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial7>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetF]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial8>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetG]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial9>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetH]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial10>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetI]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial11>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetJ]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial12>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetK]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial13>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetL]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial14>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetM]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial15>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetN]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial16>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetO]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial17>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetP]
/ trialduration = 10000

<trial trial18>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetQ]
/ trialduration = 3000

<block block1>
/bgstim = (targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial18]

<block block2>
/bgstim = (targetA, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial2; 2=trial1]

<block block3>
/bgstim = (targetB, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial3; 2=trial1]

<block block4>
/bgstim = (targetC, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial4; 2=trial1]

<block block5>
/bgstim = (targetD, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial5; 2=trial1]

<block block6>
/bgstim = (targetE, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial6; 2=trial1]

<block block7>
/bgstim = (targetF, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial7; 2=trial1]

<block block8>
/bgstim = (targetG, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial8; 2=trial1]

<block block9>
/bgstim = (targetH, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial9; 2=trial1]

<block block10>
/bgstim = (targetI, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial10; 2=trial1]

<block block11>
/bgstim = (targetJ, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial11; 2=trial1]

<block block12>
/bgstim = (targetK, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial12; 2=trial1]

<block block13>
/bgstim = (targetL, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial13; 2=trial1]

<block block14>
/bgstim = (targetM, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial14; 2=trial1]

<block block15>
/bgstim = (targetN, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial15; 2=trial1]

<block block16>
/bgstim = (targetO, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial16; 2=trial1]

<block block17>
/bgstim = (targetP, targetQ)
/responsemode = noresponse
/trials = [1=trial17; 2=trial1]

<list blockrandom>
/items = (block.block2, block.block3, block.block4, block.block5, block.block6, block.block7, block.block8, block.block9, block.block10, block.block11, block.block12, block.block13, block.block14, block.block15, block.block16, block.block17)
/selectionmode = random

/preinstructions = (intro, intro2)
/blocks = [1=block1; 2-17=list.blockrandom]
/postinstructions = (end)
/recorddata = false
/response = noresponse

/ windowsize = (100%, 100%)
/ screencolor = (255, 255, 255)
/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 5%)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ inputdevice = keyboard

Joanne and Suzanna

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K

/bgstim = (targetP, targetQ)

Order matters. Apart from that:

- All your <item> elements don't serve any purpose. You can remove them.

- You should not have to define separate <picture>, <trial> and <block> elements for each individual stimulus. This is rather inefficient.

- There is no need to use a <list> element for block selection here.

I would recommend you give the tutorials in the documentation another look to make better use of Inquisit's basic design features.


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