Hello all,
I'm trying to modify the stroop script so that I can easily identify outliers. So, I've introduced a minimum latency and maximum latency variable for both incongruent and control trials. As far as I can see, the maximum latency is working fine. The minimum latency, however, does not update correctly after each trial. Sometimes it updates with a latency that is larger and sometimes it doesn't update when there is a smaller latency. Any thoughts on this? Is there more to the minlatency function that I'm not aware of?
Also, would this be affecting my variance/SD function? I've included these so that Inquisit will alert me when there are latencies < 300ms or > mean + 3SD.
Thank you!
/ minincongruentlatency = minlatency(trial.blueincongruent, trial.redincongruent, trial.greenincongruent, trial.blackincongruent)
/ maxincongruentlatency = maxlatency(trial.blueincongruent, trial.redincongruent, trial.greenincongruent, trial.blackincongruent)
/ varincongruentlatency = varlatency(trial.blueincongruent, trial.redincongruent, trial.greenincongruent, trial.blackincongruent)
/ sdincongruentlatency = sqrt(expressions.varincongruentlatency)
/ cutoffincongruentlatency = expressions.incongruentlatency+(3*expressions.sdincongruentlatency)/ mincontrollatency = minlatency(trial.bluecontrol, trial.redcontrol, trial.greencontrol, trial.blackcontrol)
/ maxcontrollatency = maxlatency(trial.bluecontrol, trial.redcontrol, trial.greencontrol, trial.blackcontrol)
/ varcontrollatency = varlatency(trial.bluecontrol, trial.redcontrol, trial.greencontrol, trial.blackcontrol)
/ sdcontrollatency = sqrt(expressions.varcontrollatency)
/ cutoffcontrollatency = expressions.controllatency+(3*expressions.sdcontrollatency)