Hi there,
I am new to Inquisit and am struggling with what is probably a simple task. Participants are asked to recall something. They have 5 minutes. After 3 Minutes we want to show them a message stating that they should use the full 5 minutes for the task. After 5 minutes the responses should be auto submitted, i.e., Ps should be directed to the next page.
Below you see, what I came up with. I have the following problems. I seem unable to time the separate elements the way I want. The instruction and text area field should be visible from the start. The message only after 3 mins, and the proceed button after 5. However, the way it is now is that the text area field appears together with the message, not before. The next (proceed) button is also visible as soon as the text field appears and clickable once they entered something. There doesn't seem to be a way to a) time it, or b) completely suppress it
I thought about using a textbox, but couldn't get it to run. Also, it seems to me that I wouldn't be able to use "stimulustimes" in combination with textbox, right? How else could I force people to spend a specific amount of time on an open ended task?
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 16pt)
/ inputdevice = mouse
<text message>
/ items = ("Use full 5 minutes.")
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ position = (50%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana" 16pt true)
<block description>
/ trials = [1 = descriptionTrial]
<openended descriptionTrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0=descriptionText; 1000=clickhere]
/ position= (50, 50)
/ charlimit = 100
/ numlines = 5
/ linelength = 50
/ required = true
/multiline = true
/ trialduration = 15000
<text descriptionText>
/ size = (50%, 80)
/items = ("Instruction")
/position = (50, 20)
/halign = center