thanks for the clarifications; it's working now. Also, a colleague told me how to solve the issue with the next button. Here's what I got.
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 16pt)
/ inputdevice = mouse
<text clickhere>
/ items = ("Click here.")
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ position = (50%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana" 16pt true)
<text message>
/ items = ("Reminder Text")
/ /color = (255, 22, 30)
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana" 16pt true)
<block description>
/ trials = [1 = descriptionTrial]
***Alle Zeiten um eine 0 ergänzen.
<openended descriptionTrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0=descriptionText; 18000=message; 30000=clickhere]
/ position= (50, 60)
/ numlines = 25
/ linelength = 180
/ required = true
/ multiline = true
/ trialduration = 30200
/ responsetime = 0
/ iscorrectresponse = [openended.descriptionTrial.latency >= 30000]
/ response = correct
<text descriptionText>
/ size = (33%, 80)
/items = ("Instruction Text")
/position = (50, 10)
However, another colleague send me this solution using the textbox function:
<textbox freeRecall>
/caption = "What do you remember?"
/mask = alphabetic
/required = TRUE
/multiline = TRUE
/textboxsize = (200,100)
<text message>
/items = ("Use full 5 minutes")
/position = (50%, 10%)
<shape mask>
/shape = rectangle
/size = (500, 25)
/position = (50%, 10%)
/ color = (white)
<surveypage test>
/questions = [1 = freeRecall]
/stimulusframes = [300 = message; 350 = mask]
/timeout = 10000
What exactly is the advantage of using one over the other? Is there any or is it simply personal taste?
Thanks in advance,