Keyboard Scan Codes on Mac

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I have specified the ESC key as the quit command for my Inquisit script (scan code 1 as indicated in the Inquisit online help).  This works fine on a PC, but not on a Mac, at least when launched from Safari.  Is there a different set of mappings that need to be considered?

/ quitcommand = (1)

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Please do (one of) the following:

- Run Inquisit Lab on that Mac and check what Tools -> Keyboard Scancodes... returns for the attached keyboard's ESC key.

- Run a test script with a <trial> set to accept any response and check the response column for the value returned when you press the ESC key.

(AFAIK, ESC may map to scan code 53 on Macs.)

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Dave, thank you.  I installed Inquist Lab on the Mac and found that Tools -> Keyboard Scancodes returns a 1 for the keyboard's ESC key.  The same thing happens with the test script you suggested -- a 1 is returned.  Yet specifying

/ quitcommand = (1)

...does not result in the desired behavior, the termination of the program when ESC is pressed.  I have also tested the numeral 1 key (scan code = 2) with similar results.

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Interesting -- I suppose this a Mac-specific bug then. Thanks for following up with the test results / additional details.

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Of course.  Will you be logging this for correction by your development team?

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I already have.

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Dave - 11/7/2013

Interesting -- I suppose this a Mac-specific bug then. Thanks for following up with the test results / additional details.

Hi Dave, 
I am experiencing a similar problem.
I have assigned a left response key to "A", which on the US QWERT keyboard corresponds to the scan code 30. When I test-run this, nothing is happening when I press "A". 
My right response key -- "L" which is 38, works perfectly.
I have also tried assigning my left response key to several other letters, and nothing worked either.

/responsekeyLEFT = 30
/responsekeyLEFT_label = "A"
/responsekeyRIGHT = 38
/responsekeyRIGHT_label = "L"

Any tips or suggestions?
Thank you in advance
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Charlene_W - 9/11/2020
Dave - 11/7/2013

Interesting -- I suppose this a Mac-specific bug then. Thanks for following up with the test results / additional details.

Hi Dave, 
I am experiencing a similar problem.
I have assigned a left response key to "A", which on the US QWERT keyboard corresponds to the scan code 30. When I test-run this, nothing is happening when I press "A". 
My right response key -- "L" which is 38, works perfectly.
I have also tried assigning my left response key to several other letters, and nothing worked either.

/responsekeyLEFT = 30
/responsekeyLEFT_label = "A"
/responsekeyRIGHT = 38
/responsekeyRIGHT_label = "L"

Any tips or suggestions?
Thank you in advance

You need to provide the actual code and clarify what Inquisit version etc, you are working with.
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Dave - 9/11/2020
Charlene_W - 9/11/2020
Dave - 11/7/2013

Interesting -- I suppose this a Mac-specific bug then. Thanks for following up with the test results / additional details.

Hi Dave, 
I am experiencing a similar problem.
I have assigned a left response key to "A", which on the US QWERT keyboard corresponds to the scan code 30. When I test-run this, nothing is happening when I press "A". 
My right response key -- "L" which is 38, works perfectly.
I have also tried assigning my left response key to several other letters, and nothing worked either.

/responsekeyLEFT = 30
/responsekeyLEFT_label = "A"
/responsekeyRIGHT = 38
/responsekeyRIGHT_label = "L"

Any tips or suggestions?
Thank you in advance

You need to provide the actual code and clarify what Inquisit version etc, you are working with.

Hello Dave, 

I am using Insquisit 5 on a Mac, although I have tried the same script on a windows system using the same version of Inquisit and the problem is still here.

I am not sure what you meant by "actual code," but here's how the values are defined:

/responsekeyLEFT = 30
/responsekeyLEFT_label = "A"
/responsekeyRIGHT = 38
/responsekeyRIGHT_label = "L"

/fontsize_orientationprime = 5%
/fontsize_stims = 5%
/orientationprime_duration = 350
/testprime_duration = 300
/primetargetinterval = 0
/max_targetduration = 1750
/iti = 1000

/anticipatoryresponse = 100
/slowresponse = 1500
/reminderduration = 2000

Again, the "L" key is working fine but the "A" key is not responding. When I changed the left response key to a different letter by changing "30" to different scan codes, the problem persists. 

Let me know if you would need me to post the entire script, which would be quite long.

Thank you again!

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Charlene_W - 9/14/2020
Dave - 9/11/2020
Charlene_W - 9/11/2020
Dave - 11/7/2013

Interesting -- I suppose this a Mac-specific bug then. Thanks for following up with the test results / additional details.

Hi Dave, 
I am experiencing a similar problem.
I have assigned a left response key to "A", which on the US QWERT keyboard corresponds to the scan code 30. When I test-run this, nothing is happening when I press "A". 
My right response key -- "L" which is 38, works perfectly.
I have also tried assigning my left response key to several other letters, and nothing worked either.

/responsekeyLEFT = 30
/responsekeyLEFT_label = "A"
/responsekeyRIGHT = 38
/responsekeyRIGHT_label = "L"

Any tips or suggestions?
Thank you in advance

You need to provide the actual code and clarify what Inquisit version etc, you are working with.

Hello Dave, 

I am using Insquisit 5 on a Mac, although I have tried the same script on a windows system using the same version of Inquisit and the problem is still here.

I am not sure what you meant by "actual code," but here's how the values are defined:

/responsekeyLEFT = 30
/responsekeyLEFT_label = "A"
/responsekeyRIGHT = 38
/responsekeyRIGHT_label = "L"

/fontsize_orientationprime = 5%
/fontsize_stims = 5%
/orientationprime_duration = 350
/testprime_duration = 300
/primetargetinterval = 0
/max_targetduration = 1750
/iti = 1000

/anticipatoryresponse = 100
/slowresponse = 1500
/reminderduration = 2000

Again, the "L" key is working fine but the "A" key is not responding. When I changed the left response key to a different letter by changing "30" to different scan codes, the problem persists. 

Let me know if you would need me to post the entire script, which would be quite long.

Thank you again!

The values are not useful in isolation; there is nothing wrong with them. More likely, there's a mistake somewhere in the <trial> elements that actually rely on those values. So please provide the full script, and please do not paste it into a post's body. Instead please use the attachment facilities provide by the forum:


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