Spacing and Formatting of Radiobutton questions

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I am using Inquisit to administer some basic belief surveys and emotion questionnaires mainly because I am also administering an IAT and I want all of my measures to be in one file. I do not have access to Media Lab. The problem I am facing is that Inquisit does not seem set up to deal with these types of questions. I want participants to be able to see a list of 22 adjectives on a single page and be able to say to what extent they agree what that adjective. When I have tried doing this with sliders or radiobuttons, it places the answer choices below the item caption which doubles the amount of space taken up by a single item, making it near impossible to put more than 10 items on a page. Is there a way to format either the sliders or radiobuttons so that the answer choices appear next to the item caption? I am aware that one way to decrease space would be to include the scale in the instructions and have the answer choices merely be numbers. I have tried that. It causes there to be a huge space in between the instructions and the answers, which elongates the survey.  Here is an example of a script I am currently working with: 

<slider empath1>

/ caption = "Moved"

/ labels = ("Not at all", "To a very low degree", "Somewhat", "To a considerable degree", "Very much")

/ range = (1, 5)

/ slidersize = (60%, 3%)

/ showtooltips = false


<slider empath2>

/ caption = "Warm"

/ labels = ("Not at all", "To a very low degree", "Somewhat", "To a considerable degree", "Very much")

/ range = (1, 5)

/ slidersize = (60%, 3%)

/ showtooltips = false


<slider empath3>

/ caption = "Softhearted"

/ labels = ("Not at all", "To a very low degree", "Somewhat", "To a considerable degree", "Very much")

/ range = (1, 5)

/ slidersize = (60%, 3%)

/ showtooltips = false


<slider empath4>

/ caption = "Tender"

/ labels = ("Not at all", "To a very low degree", "Somewhat", "To a considerable degree", "Very much")

/ range = (1, 5)

/ slidersize = (60%, 3%)

/ showtooltips = false


<slider empath5>

/ caption = "Compassionate"

/ labels = ("Not at all", "To a very low degree", "Somewhat", "To a considerable degree", "Very much")

/ range = (1, 5)

/ slidersize = (60%, 3%)

/ showtooltips = false


<slider empath6>

/ caption = "Sympathetic"

/ labels = ("Not at all", "To a very low degree", "Somewhat", "To a considerable degree", "Very much")

/ range = (1, 5)

/ slidersize = (60%, 3%)

/ showtooltips = false


<slider empath7>

/ caption = "Touched"

/ labels = ("Not at all", "To a very low degree", "Somewhat", "To a considerable degree", "Very much")

/ range = (1, 5)

/ slidersize = (60%, 3%)

/ showtooltips = false


<slider empath8>

/ caption = "Concerned"

/ labels = ("Not at all", "To a very low degree", "Somewhat", "To a considerable degree", "Very much")

/ range = (1, 5)

/ slidersize = (60%, 3%)

/ showtooltips = false


<surveypage feeltherm1>

/ caption = "To what degree do you feel the following emotions at this time?"

/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", -16, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)

/ questions = [1-8 = noreplace(empath1, empath2, empath3, empath4, empath5, empath6, empath7, empath8)] 


<survey feeltherm>

/ pages = [1= noreplace(feeltherm1)]

/ responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", -11, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

/ itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", -12, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)

/ itemspacing = 0.5%

/ showpagenumbers = false


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To do this you will have to set up <caption> elements for the various adjectives and then /position them properly relative to the various questions. You can find an example at


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