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Hi I am new to Inquisit-- I used the approach avoidance template that is online. I changed how stimuli are generated and the blocking, but everything else is the same. My program runs and works well for the most part, but it won't stop at the set number of trials. I have coded that I only want 240 trials, but the program doesn't stop at 240 trials. How do I write the script so that it only runs a set number of trials. (I already tried /totaltrialcount = 240.) Please help. Here is my whole script: <values> /ratioA = 0.5 /ratioB = 0.5 /MinHeight = 0.1 /intertrialinterval = 300 </values> <values > /totaltrialcount = 240 /runcount_1 = 0 /runcount_2 = 0 /runcount_3 = 0 /runcount_4 = 0 /runcount_A = 0 /runcount_B = 0 /newnumber = 0 /count_comparecat = 0 /count_compareformat = 0 /sequence = "" /index = 0 /nextstimulus = 0 /selectstimulus = 0 /targetcategory = 0 /targetformat = "" /sumRTcorrect_1 = 0 /sumRT_1 = 0 /sumRTcorrect_2 = 0 /sumRT_2 = 0 /sumRTcorrect_3 = 0 /sumRT_3 = 0 /sumRTcorrect_4 = 0 /sumRT_4 = 0 /sumRTcorrect_5 = 0 /sumRT_5 = 0 /sumRTcorrect_6 = 0 /sumRT_6 = 0 /sumRTcorrect_7 = 0 /sumRT_7 = 0 /sumRTcorrect_8 = 0 /sumRT_8 = 0 /repeat = 0 /selectpracticepicture = 0 /starttime = 0 /endtime = 0 /expcondition = 0 /format1 = 0 /format2 = 0 /startheight_A = 0 /startheight_B = 0 /Maxheight = display.height /joystick_y = 0 /completeRT = 0 /changedirection = 0 /joystick_change = 0 /trialcode = 0 /RT = 0 /correct = 0 /stimulus = 0 /initialresponse = "" /finalresponse = "" </values> <expressions > / AAT_Diffscore_Cat1 = if (values.expcondition == 1) trial.AAT_1.medianlatency - trial.AAT_2.medianlatency else trial.AAT_2.medianlatency - trial.AAT_1.medianlatency / AAT_Diffscore_Cat2 = if (values.expcondition == 1) trial.aat_3.medianlatency - trial.aat_4.medianlatency else trial.aat_3.medianlatency - trial.aat_4.medianlatency / AAT_Diffscore_Cat3 = if (values.expcondition == 1) trial.aat_1.medianlatency - trial.aat_3.medianlatency else trial.aat_3.medianlatency - trial.aat_1.medianlatency / AAT_Diffscore_Cat4 = if (values.expcondition == 1) trial.aat_2.medianlatency - trial.aat_4.medianlatency else trial.aat_4.medianlatency - trial.aat_2.medianlatency /ratio_JoystickchangePerAssignedpixel = 1000/((values.ratioA - values.MinHeight) * values.Maxheight) </expressions> <data > /file = "AAT_raw.iqdat" / separatefiles = true / columns = [subject, date, time, values.expcondition, blockcode, values.trialcode, values.stimulus, values.initialresponse, values.correct, values.finalresponse, values.changedirection, values.RT, values.completeRT, expressions.aat_diffscore_cat1, expressions.aat_diffscore_cat2, expressions.aat_diffscore_cat3, expressions.aat_diffscore_cat4] </data> <instruct > / windowsize = (80%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) </instruct> <item instructions> /1 ="In the following task, you will be presented images either in gray or yellow. ~n~nYour task is to: ~n* PULL the joystick towards you if you see an image in <%values.format1%> * PUSH the joystick away from you if if you see an image in <%values.format2%> ~nWhen you PUSH, the image will shrink. When you PULL, the image will enlarge. ~nYou need to PUSH/PULL until the joystick is FULLY extended in that direction (aka cannot go any further). Afterwards you need to bring the joystick back into the rest position and a new image will be presented. ~n~nMove the joystick to the left to start practice." /2 = "This is practice. ~nYou will be presented with images in either gray or yellow. ~nSome of these images are faces others are computer generated images called greebles. ~n* PULL the joystick towards you if you see a rectangle in <%values.format1%> * PUSH the joystick away from you if if you see a rectangle in <%values.format2%> ~nRemember to PULL/PUSH until the joystick is fully extended and then bring it back into the rest position to start the next trial. ~n~n~nBe as fast and accurate as you possibly can. ~n~nMove the joystick to the left to start the practice trials." /3 = "This is the real task. ~nYou will be presented with the same types of images in gray or yellow as in the practice trials. ~nJust like you did during practice, * PULL the joystick towards you if you see an image in <%values.format1%> * PUSH the joystick away from you if if you see an image in <%values.format2%> ~n~nBe as fast and accurate as you possibly can. ~nMove the joystick to the left to start." </item> <text instruction> /items = instructions /select = sequence /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) /txcolor = black /resetinterval = 3 /size = (80%, 80%) </text> <trial instructions> /stimulusframes = [1 = instruction] /validresponse = ("left") /recorddata = false /branch = [trial.instruct_joystickrest] </trial> Note: trial.instruct_joystickrest & trial.instruct_pause make sure that Joystick is brought back into rest position <trial instruct_joystickrest> /validresponse = (change) /branch = [if (script.subjectid == "monkey") trial.instruct_pause] /branch = [if (joystick.y == 0 && joystick.x == 0) trial.Instruct_Pause else trial.instruct_joystickrest] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial Instruct_Pause> / stimulusframes = [1 = eraser] / timeout = 0 / recorddata = false </trial> <page End> You have reached the end of the task. ^^THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION!!! </page> <item targets> /1 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G58GA.jpg" /2 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G8GS.jpg" /3 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM10ANSyellow.JPG" /4 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G25GS.jpg" /5 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF14NESgray.JPG" /6 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G25YS.jpg" /7 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G71YA.jpg" /8 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G22YS.jpg" /9 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM11HASgray.JPG" /10 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF02HASyellow.JPG" /11 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G72GA.jpg" /12 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM11NESyellow.JPG" /13 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM03HASyellow.JPG" /14 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF14ANSgray.JPG" /15 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G50YA.jpg" /16 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G65YA.jpg" /17 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G4GS.jpg" /18 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF04NESgray.JPG" /19 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G6YS.jpg" /20 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF14HASyellow.JPG" /21 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G64GA.jpg" /22 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM10ANSgray.JPG" /23 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G74YA.jpg" /24 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF06NESgray.JPG" /25 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF03NESyellow.JPG" /26 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF05HASgray.JPG" /27 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G28GS.jpg" /28 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF02HASgray.JPG" /29 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G61YA.jpg" /30 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G77YA.jpg" /31 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G51GA.jpg" /32 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM02ANSgray.JPG" /33 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G66YA.jpg" /34 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G28YS.jpg" /35 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G68GA.jpg" /36 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM01ANSyellow.JPG" /37 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G59GA.jpg" /38 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF03HASgray.JPG" /39 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G15GS.jpg" /40 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G58YA.jpg" /41 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF10HASgray.JPG" /42 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G26YS.jpg" /43 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM01NESgray.JPG" /44 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF06NESyellow.JPG" /45 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G67YA.jpg" /46 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G70YA.jpg" /47 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G67GA.jpg" /48 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM06NESyellow.JPG" /49 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM09ANSyellow.JPG" /50 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF05ANSgray.JPG" /51 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G54YA.jpg" /52 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G18YS.jpg" /53 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM05HASgray.JPG" /54 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G53YA.jpg" /55 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G72YA.jpg" /56 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G7GS.jpg" /57 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow 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"C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM07ANSgray.JPG" /73 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G13YS.jpg" /74 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM05NESgray.JPG" /75 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G20GS.jpg" /76 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G27GS.jpg" /77 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G15YS.jpg" /78 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM06HASgray.JPG" /79 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF05NESgray.JPG" /80 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G70GA.jpg" /81 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF01NESyellow.JPG" /82 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM07HASgray.JPG" /83 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G30YS.jpg" /84 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G10GS.jpg" /85 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF01HASyellow.JPG" /86 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF14HASgray.JPG" /87 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM10NESyellow.JPG" /88 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G17GS.jpg" /89 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM06ANSgray.JPG" /90 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF04HASyellow.JPG" /91 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF04HASgray.JPG" /92 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G59YA.jpg" /93 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF04NESyellow.JPG" /94 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM09NESgray.JPG" /95 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G62YA.jpg" /96 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF05HASyellow.JPG" /97 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G12GS.jpg" /98 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF02ANSgray.JPG" /99 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G18GS.jpg" /100 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G57YA.jpg" /101 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF02NESgray.JPG" /102 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM01HASgray.JPG" /103 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G62GA.jpg" /104 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G5YS.jpg" /105 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G27YS.jpg" /106 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM03ANSgray.JPG" /107 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G76GA.jpg" /108 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF09HASyellow.JPG" /109 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM11HASyellow.JPG" /110 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G14YS.jpg" /111 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G71GA.jpg" /112 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G30GS.jpg" /113 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM02NESgray.JPG" /114 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G12YS.jpg" /115 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G61GA.jpg" /116 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF07HASgray.JPG" /117 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM09HASgray.JPG" /118 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G3YS.jpg" /119 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF01ANSyellow.JPG" /120 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G68YA.jpg" /121 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G3GS.jpg" /122 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G4YS.jpg" /123 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G9GS.jpg" /124 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF03HASyellow.JPG" /125 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM05NESyellow.JPG" /126 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF04ANSgray.JPG" /127 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G24GS.jpg" /128 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF04ANSyellow.JPG" /129 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM06HASyellow.JPG" /130 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF09NESyellow.JPG" /131 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G73GA.jpg" /132 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM04HASgray.JPG" /133 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM01NESyellow.JPG" /134 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM07ANSyellow.JPG" /135 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G9YS.jpg" /136 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM04ANSgray.JPG" /137 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM02NESyellow.JPG" /138 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM10NESgray.JPG" /139 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM02HASgray.JPG" /140 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G52YA.jpg" /141 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM05ANSgray.JPG" /142 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM04ANSyellow.JPG" /143 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF01NESgray.JPG" /144 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G75GA.jpg" /145 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF14ANSyellow.JPG" /146 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G60YA.jpg" /147 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF09HASgray.JPG" /148 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM01ANSgray.JPG" /149 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF06HASgray.JPG" /150 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G76YA.jpg" /151 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF10HASyellow.JPG" /152 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G56GA.jpg" /153 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G29YS.jpg" /154 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM07NESgray.JPG" /155 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G7YS.jpg" /156 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM03ANSyellow.JPG" /157 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF10ANSyellow.JPG" /158 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF06ANSgray.JPG" /159 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G16GS.jpg" /160 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G22GS.jpg" /161 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF07NESyellow.JPG" /162 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G52GA.jpg" /163 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G78GA.jpg" /164 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM04NESgray.JPG" /165 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM05ANSyellow.JPG" /166 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM11NESgray.JPG" /167 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G23GS.jpg" /168 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM09HASyellow.JPG" /169 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF01HASgray.JPG" /170 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM06ANSyellow.JPG" /171 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G2YS.jpg" /172 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM10HASgray.JPG" /173 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF10NESgray.JPG" /174 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G57GA.jpg" /175 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM03NESyellow.JPG" /176 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM01HASyellow.JPG" /177 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G24YS.jpg" /178 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G54GA.jpg" /179 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G69YA.jpg" /180 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM03NESgray.JPG" /181 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G23YS.jpg" /182 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF06ANSyellow.JPG" /183 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G13GS.jpg" /184 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM04HASyellow.JPG" /185 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF14NESyellow.JPG" /186 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF03ANSgray.JPG" /187 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G75YA.jpg" /188 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF07ANSgray.JPG" /189 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM03HASgray.JPG" /190 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G79YA.jpg" /191 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF05ANSyellow.JPG" /192 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM09ANSgray.JPG" /193 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF05NESyellow.JPG" /194 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G53GA.jpg" /195 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM11ANSgray.JPG" /196 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G65GA.jpg" /197 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G10YS.jpg" /198 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF01ANSgray.JPG" /199 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G19GS.jpg" /200 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G16YS.jpg" /201 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF10ANSgray.JPG" /202 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G20YS.jpg" /203 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM02HASyellow.JPG" /204 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM02ANSyellow.JPG" /205 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AM06NESgray.JPG" /206 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G26GS.jpg" /207 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM09NESyellow.JPG" /208 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G56YA.jpg" /209 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G55YA.jpg" /210 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF09ANSgray.JPG" /211 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF03ANSyellow.JPG" /212 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM11ANSyellow.JPG" /213 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G19YS.jpg" /214 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G11GS.jpg" /215 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G2GS.jpg" /216 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF09ANSyellow.JPG" /217 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G17YS.jpg" /218 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF10NESyellow.JPG" /219 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G1GS.jpg" /220 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF06HASyellow.JPG" /221 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G78YA.jpg" /222 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G63YA.jpg" /223 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G63GA.jpg" /224 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM07HASyellow.JPG" /225 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G1YS.jpg" /226 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G55GA.jpg" /227 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Greebles\G21YS.jpg" /228 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF07HASyellow.JPG" /229 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM04NESyellow.JPG" /230 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G6GS.jpg" /231 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF09NESgray.JPG" /232 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G66GA.jpg" /233 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM05HASyellow.JPG" /234 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Faces\AF03NESgray.JPG" /235 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G14GS.jpg" /236 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AM07NESyellow.JPG" /237 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G74GA.jpg" /238 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G50GA.jpg" /239 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Yellow Faces\AF02NESyellow.JPG" /240 = "C:\Users\emolab\Desktop\ATT_Stim\Gray Greebles\G79GA.jpg" </item> <picture targetstimulus> / items = targets / select = values.selectstimulus / position = (50%, 50%) / size = (100%, 100%) / erase = false </picture> ***helper stimulus <shape eraser> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) / erase = false </shape> <list category1> / items = (5, 9, 14, 18, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 38, 41, 43, 50, 53, 59, 72, 74, 78, 79, 82, 86, 89, 91, 94, 98, 101, 102, 106, 113, 116, 117, 126, 132, 136, 138, 139, 141, 143, 147, 148, 149, 154, 158, 164, 166, 169, 172, 173, 180, 186, 188, 189, 192, 195, 198, 201, 205, 210, 231, 234) / replace = false </list> <list category2> / items = (3, 10, 12, 13, 20, 25, 36, 44, 48, 49, 57, 64, 68, 81, 85, 87, 90, 93, 96, 108, 109, 119, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 133, 134, 137, 142, 145, 151, 156, 157, 161, 165, 168, 170, 175, 176, 182, 184, 185, 191, 193, 203, 204, 207, 211, 212, 216, 218, 220, 224, 228, 229, 233, 236, 239) </list> <list category3> / items = (1, 2, 4, 11, 17, 21, 27, 31, 35, 37, 39, 47, 56, 58, 60, 62, 65, 69, 71, 75, 76, 80, 84, 88, 97, 99, 103, 107, 111, 112, 115, 121, 123, 127, 131, 144, 152, 159, 160, 162, 163, 167, 174, 178, 183, 194, 196, 199, 206, 214, 215, 219, 223, 226, 230, 232, 235, 237, 238, 240) / replace = false </list> <list category4> / items = (6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 23, 29, 30, 33, 34, 40, 42, 45, 46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 61, 63, 66, 67, 70, 73, 77, 83, 92, 95, 100, 104, 105, 110, 114, 118, 120, 122, 135, 140, 146, 150, 153, 155, 171, 177, 179, 181, 187, 190, 197, 200, 202, 208, 209, 213, 217, 221, 222, 225, 227) / replace = false </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** AAT PRACTICE ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************* Practice Stimuli ************************* <text error> / items = ("ERROR") / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = (white) /txbgcolor = (red) </text> ************************* Practice Stimuli ************************* NOTE: organization of practice stimuli 1,3,5,7: stimulus of format A (here: gray) 2,4,6,8: stimulus of format B (here: yellow) <item practicestimuli> /1 = "\\\labshare\Experiments\Social Defeat\AAT Stimuli\USE THESE\Test\AF08NESgray.JPG" /2 = "\\\labshare\Experiments\Social Defeat\AAT Stimuli\USE THESE\Test\AM08NESyellow.JPG" /3 = "\\\labshare\Experiments\Social Defeat\AAT Stimuli\USE THESE\Test\GTest1gray.jpg" /4 = "\\\labshare\Experiments\Social Defeat\AAT Stimuli\USE THESE\Test\GTest2yellow.jpg" </item> <picture practicetarget> / items = practicestimuli / select = values.selectpracticepicture / position = (50%, 50%) / size = (100%, 100%) / erase = false </picture> <trial practicetrial_A> /ontrialbegin = [values.targetformat = "g"] / ontrialbegin = [values.selectpracticepicture = 1] / ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0] / ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = values.startheight_A] / ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""] / stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget] / validresponse = (back, forward) / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.practicetrial_A.response == "forward") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.practicetrial_A.response == "back")] / errormessage = true(error,0) / ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)] /ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "practicetrial_A"] /ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.practicetrial_A.latency] /ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.practicetrial_A.correct] /ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.practicetarget.currentitem] /ontrialend = [if (trial.practicetrial_A.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH" else values.initialresponse = "PULL"] / branch = [if (trial.practicetrial_A.response == "forward") trial.practicedecrease else trial.practiceincrease] / recorddata = false </trial> <trial practicetrial_B> /ontrialbegin = [values.targetformat = "y"] /ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.repeat = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.selectpracticepicture = 2] / ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = values.startheight_B] / ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""] / stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget] / validresponse = (back, forward) / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.practicetrial_B.response == "back") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.practicetrial_B.response == "forward")] / errormessage = true(error,0) /ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y] /ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)] /ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "practicetrial_B"] /ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.practicetrial_B.latency] /ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.practicetrial_B.correct] /ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.practicetarget.currentitem] /ontrialend = [if (trial.practicetrial_B.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH" else values.initialresponse = "PULL"] / branch = [if (trial.practicetrial_B.response == "forward") trial.practicedecrease else trial.practiceincrease] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial practicetrial_C> /ontrialbegin = [values.targetformat = "g"] / ontrialbegin = [values.selectpracticepicture = 3] / ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0] / ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = values.startheight_A] / ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""] / stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget] / validresponse = (back, forward) / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.practicetrial_C.response == "forward") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.practicetrial_C.response == "back")] / errormessage = true(error,0) / ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)] /ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "practicetrial_C"] /ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.practicetrial_C.latency] /ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.practicetrial_C.correct] /ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.practicetarget.currentitem] /ontrialend = [if (trial.practicetrial_C.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH" else values.initialresponse = "PULL"] / branch = [if (trial.practicetrial_C.response == "forward") trial.practicedecrease else trial.practiceincrease] / recorddata = false </trial> <trial practicetrial_D> /ontrialbegin = [values.targetformat = "y"] /ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.repeat = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.selectpracticepicture = 4] / ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = values.startheight_B] / ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""] / stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget] / validresponse = (back, forward) / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.practicetrial_D.response == "back") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.practicetrial_D.response == "forward")] / errormessage = true(error,0) /ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y] /ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)] /ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "practicetrial_D"] /ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.practicetrial_D.latency] /ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.practicetrial_D.correct] /ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.practicetarget.currentitem] /ontrialend = [if (trial.practicetrial_D.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH" else values.initialresponse = "PULL"] / branch = [if (trial.practicetrial_D.response == "forward") trial.practicedecrease else trial.practiceincrease] /recorddata = false </trial> *********ZOOM FEATURE: trial increase/decrease the size of the rectangles depending on participant's response********* / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.practicetrial_B.response == "back") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.practicetrial_B.response == "forward")] <trial practicedecrease> /ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 1 && values.targetformat == "y") trial.practicedecrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)] /ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 2 && values.targetformat == "g") trial.practicedecrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)] / ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = picture.practicetarget.height - values.joystick_change/expressions.ratio_joystickchangeperassignedpixel] / stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, practicetarget] /validresponse = (change) /ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(abs(values.joystick_y) - abs(joystick.y))] /ontrialend = [trial.practicedecrease.resetstimulusframes()] /branch = [if (script.subjectid == "monkey") {values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PUSH"; trial.intertrialinterval}] /branch = [if (joystick.y <= -1000) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PUSH"; trial.enddecrease_practice}] /branch = [if (joystick.y <= values.joystick_y) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; trial.practicedecrease}] /branch = [if (joystick.y > values.joystick_y) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.changedirection += 1; trial.practiceincrease}] / recorddata = false </trial> <trial practiceincrease> /ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 1 && values.targetformat == "g") trial.practiceincrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)] /ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 2 && values.targetformat == "y") trial.practiceincrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)] / ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = picture.practicetarget.height + values.joystick_change/expressions.ratio_joystickchangeperassignedpixel] / stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget] /validresponse = (change) /ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(abs(values.joystick_y) - abs(joystick.y))] /ontrialend = [trial.practiceincrease.resetstimulusframes()] /branch = [if (script.subjectid == "monkey") {values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PULL"; trial.intertrialinterval}] /branch = [if (joystick.y >= 1000) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PULL"; trial.endincrease_practice}] /branch = [if (joystick.y >= values.joystick_y) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; trial.practiceincrease}] /branch = [if (joystick.y < values.joystick_y) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.changedirection += 1; trial.practicedecrease}] /recorddata = false </trial> Note: trials show the last size of the picture <trial endincrease_practice> / ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = picture.practicetarget.height + values.joystick_change/expressions.ratio_joystickchangeperassignedpixel] /stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget] /timeout = 0 /branch = [trial.joystickrest] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial enddecrease_practice> /ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = picture.practicetarget.height - values.joystick_change/expressions.ratio_joystickchangeperassignedpixel] /stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, practicetarget] /timeout = 0 /branch = [trial.joystickrest] /recorddata = false </trial> <block practice_AAT> / trials = [1-2 = instructions; 3-12 = replacenorepeat (practicetrial_A, practicetrial_B,practicetrial_C,practicetrial_D)] </block> <text nextstimulus> / items = ("<%values.nextstimulus%>") / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.33%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <trial AAT_1> / ontrialbegin = [values.selectstimulus = list.category1.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [values.targetcategory = 1; values.targetformat = "g"] / ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = values.startheight_A] / ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""] / stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus] / validresponse = (back, forward) / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.AAT_1.response == "forward") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.AAT_1.response == "back")] / ontrialend = [if (trial.AAT_1.correct) values.sumRTcorrect_1 += trial.AAT_1.latency] / ontrialend = [values.sumRT_1 += trial.AAT_1.latency] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)] / ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "AAT_1"] / ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.AAT_1.latency] / ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.AAT_1.correct] / ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.targetstimulus.currentitem] / ontrialend = [if (trial.AAT_1.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH" else values.initialresponse = "PULL"] / branch = [if (trial.AAT_1.response == "forward") trial.decrease else trial.increase] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial AAT_2> / ontrialbegin = [values.selectstimulus = list.category2.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [values.targetcategory = 1; values.targetformat = "y"] / ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = values.startheight_B] / ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""] / stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus] / validresponse = (back, forward) / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.AAT_2.response == "back") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.AAT_2.response == "forward")] / ontrialend = [if (trial.AAT_2.correct) values.sumRTcorrect_2 += trial.AAT_2.latency] / ontrialend = [values.sumRT_2 += trial.AAT_2.latency] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)] / ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "AAT_2"] / ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.AAT_2.latency] / ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.AAT_2.correct] / ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.targetstimulus.currentitem] / ontrialend = [if (trial.AAT_2.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH" else values.initialresponse = "PULL"] /branch = [if (trial.AAT_2.response == "forward") trial.decrease else trial.increase] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial AAT_3> / ontrialbegin = [values.selectstimulus = list.category3.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [values.targetcategory = 1; values.targetformat = "g"] / ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = values.startheight_A] / ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""] / stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus] / validresponse = (back, forward) / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.AAT_3.response == "forward") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.AAT_3.response == "back")] / ontrialend = [if (trial.AAT_3.correct) values.sumRTcorrect_3 += trial.AAT_3.latency] / ontrialend = [values.sumRT_3 += trial.AAT_3.latency] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)] / ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "AAT_3"] / ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.AAT_3.latency] / ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.AAT_3.correct] / ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.targetstimulus.currentitem] / ontrialend = [if (trial.AAT_3.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH" else values.initialresponse = "PULL"] / branch = [if (trial.AAT_1.response == "forward") trial.decrease else trial.increase] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial AAT_4> / ontrialbegin = [values.selectstimulus = list.category4.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [values.targetcategory = 1; values.targetformat = "y"] / ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = values.startheight_B] / ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""] / stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus] / validresponse = (back, forward) / iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.AAT_4.response == "back") || (values.expcondition == 2 && trial.AAT_4.response == "forward")] / ontrialend = [if (trial.AAT_4.correct) values.sumRTcorrect_4 += trial.AAT_4.latency] / ontrialend = [values.sumRT_4 += trial.AAT_4.latency] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y] / ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)] / ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "AAT_4"] / ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.AAT_4.latency] / ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.AAT_4.correct] / ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.targetstimulus.currentitem] / ontrialend = [if (trial.AAT_4.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH" else values.initialresponse = "PULL"] /branch = [if (trial.AAT_2.response == "forward") trial.decrease else trial.increase] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial AAT_start> / ontrialbegin = [values.nextstimulus = substring(values.sequence, values.index, 1); values.index += 1] / ontrialbegin = [values.repeat = 0] / ontrialbegin = [values.sequence= "1,1,2,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1"] / ontrialbegin = [values.index= "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,64,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240"] / timeout = 0 / branch = [if (values.nextstimulus == 1) trial.AAT_1] / branch = [if (values.nextstimulus == 2) trial.AAT_2] / recorddata = false </trial> <trial decrease> / ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height - values.joystick_change/expressions.ratio_joystickchangeperassignedpixel] / stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, targetstimulus] /validresponse = (change) /ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(abs(values.joystick_y) - abs(joystick.y))] /branch = [if (script.subjectid == "monkey") {values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PUSH"; trial.intertrialinterval}] /branch = [if (joystick.y <= -1000) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PUSH"; trial.enddecrease}] /branch = [if (joystick.y <= values.joystick_y) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; trial.decrease}] /branch = [if (joystick.y > values.joystick_y) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.changedirection += 1; trial.increase}] / recorddata = false </trial> <trial increase> / ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height + values.joystick_change/expressions.ratio_joystickchangeperassignedpixel] / stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus] /validresponse = (change) /ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(abs(values.joystick_y) - abs(joystick.y))] /branch = [if (script.subjectid == "monkey") {values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PULL"; trial.intertrialinterval}] /branch = [if (joystick.y >= 1000) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PULL"; trial.endincrease}] /branch = [if (joystick.y >= values.joystick_y) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; trial.increase}] /branch = [if (joystick.y < values.joystick_y) {values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.changedirection += 1; trial.decrease}] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial endincrease> / ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height + values.joystick_change/expressions.ratio_joystickchangeperassignedpixel] /stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus] /timeout = 0 /branch = [trial.joystickrest] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial enddecrease> /ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height - values.joystick_change/expressions.ratio_joystickchangeperassignedpixel] /stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, targetstimulus] /timeout = 0 /branch = [trial.joystickrest] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial joystickrest> /isvalidresponse = [trial.joystickrest.response =="change"] /branch = [if (joystick.y == 0 && joystick.x == 0) trial.InterTrialInterval else trial.joystickrest] /recorddata = false </trial> <trial InterTrialInterval> /ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT= values.endtime - values.starttime] / stimulusframes = [1 = eraser] / timeout = values.intertrialinterval / recorddata = true </trial> <block AAT> / onblockbegin = [values.index = 0] / trials = [1 = instructions; 2-241 = sequence(aat_3, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_3, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_4, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_4, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_3, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_1, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_4, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_3, aat_1, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_2, aat_2, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_3, aat_1, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_1, aat_2, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_1, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_4, aat_2, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3)] </block> <expt > / onexptbegin = [values.expcondition = 1] / onexptbegin = [values.format1 = "yellow"; values.format2 = "gray"] / subjects = (1 of 2) /groupassignment = groupnumber / onexptbegin = [values.startheight_A = values.ratioA*display.height] / onexptbegin = [values.startheight_B = values.ratioB*display.height] / blocks = [1 = practice_AAT; 2 = AAT] / postinstructions = (End) </expt> <expt > / onexptbegin = [values.expcondition = 2] / onexptbegin = [values.format2 = "yellow"; values.format1 = "gray"] / subjects = (2 of 2) /groupassignment = groupnumber / onexptbegin = [values.startheight_A = values.ratioA*display.height] / onexptbegin = [values.startheight_B = values.ratioB*display.height] / blocks = [1 = practice_AAT; 2 = AAT] / postinstructions = (End) </expt>
Group: Administrators
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<block AAT> / onblockbegin = [values.index = 0] / trials = [1 = instructions; 2-241 = sequence(aat_3, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_3, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_4, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_4, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_3, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_1, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_4, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_3, aat_1, aat_4, aat_3, aat_1, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_2, aat_2, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_3, aat_1, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_1, aat_2, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_4, aat_1, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_1, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_3, aat_4, aat_1, aat_4, aat_2, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_4, aat_1, aat_2, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_2, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_4, aat_3, aat_2, aat_4, aat_3, aat_4, aat_2, aat_2, aat_3, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_1, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3, aat_3, aat_2, aat_3)] </block> You are mistaken about what sequence() is supposed to do. The above means run the *entire sequence of elements given* 240 times.