How to increase number of available textboxes beyond what fits on a screen?

How to increase number of available textboxes beyond what fits on a...
Guru (8.7K reputation)Guru (8.7K reputation)Guru (8.7K reputation)Guru (8.7K reputation)Guru (8.7K reputation)Guru (8.7K reputation)Guru (8.7K reputation)Guru (8.7K reputation)Guru (8.7K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 46, Visits: 154

Hi Folks,

Another question from a newbie. Would love to hear from anyone with an idea.

Participants are required to give as many responses over a period of time (3mins). Each response is typed into a separate text box. I want to ensure that there are always enough textboxes for each item (so that participants with many responses don't run out of textboxes). The current setup filles the screen with textboxes (each one the width of the screen, some answers may be longer than others).

Is there some way i can make a screen scrollable? (thereby adding many more textboxes).

Or is there some way for a participant who has filled all textboxes to press a button to go to an additional page of textboxes, but continue the /timeout instruction (ie, not give them any additional time)? 

Or some other solution?

Many thanks in advance!




/fontstyle = ("Arial" 20pt)

/screencolor = (230,230,230)

/txbgcolor = (230,230,230)

/txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

/minimumversion = "" 

/ canvassize = (1200px,900px)



/ columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, trialcode, response, latency, stimulusitem, stimulusitem, stimulusitem]

/ encrypt = false

/ format = tab

/ labels = true

/ separatefiles = false


<expt AUT>

/ blocks = [1=AUT_instruct; 2-8=noreplacenorepeat(AUT1, AUT2, AUT3, AUT4, AUT5, AUT6, AUT7); 9=endAUT] 


<block AUT_instruct>

/ trials = [1=AUT_instruct]


<trial AUT_instruct>

/ stimulustimes = [0=AUT_instruct_text, clickhere]

/ validresponse = (clickhere)

/ inputdevice = mouse


<text AUT_instruct_text>

/ items = ("~nIn the following task you will be presented with words for common objects.

~n~nYou will be given 3 minutes to type as many uses as you can for these objects.


• You will hear a beep when a trial is complete.

• Please keep each answer brief. Don't be concerned about correct spelling.

• Type each answer into a separate line in the text boxes provided. Use the TAB key or mouse to go to the next line.")

/ position = (50%, 50%)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 22pt, false)

/ size=(75%, 75%)

/ hjustify = left

/ color = DARKRED



*****************  A U T  1 **********************************


<block AUT1>

/ trials = [1=AUT1; 2=interAUT]


<surveypage AUT1>

/ stimulustimes = [0=AUTq, AUTword1; 4000=beep2]

/ questions = [1=autA_1; 2=autA_2; 3=autA_3; 4=autA_4; 5=autA_5; 6=autA_6; 7=autA_7; 8=autA_8; 9=autA_9; 

            10=autA_10; 11=autA_11; 12=autA_12; 13=autA_13; 14=autA_14; 15=autA_15; 16=autA_16; 17=autA_17; 18=autA_18; 

            19=autA_19; 20=autA_20; 21=autA_21; 22=autA_22; 23=autA_23]

/ responsefontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ itemfontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "remove button"

/ nextbuttonposition = (110%, 110%)

/ timeout = 5000



*****************  A U T  2 **********************************


<block AUT2>

/ trials = [1=AUT2; 2=interAUT]


<surveypage AUT2>

/ stimulustimes = [0=AUTq, AUTword2; 4000=beep2]

/ questions = [1=autA_1; 2=autA_2; 3=autA_3; 4=autA_4; 5=autA_5; 6=autA_6; 7=autA_7; 8=autA_8; 9=autA_9; 

            10=autA_10; 11=autA_11; 12=autA_12; 13=autA_13; 14=autA_14; 15=autA_15; 16=autA_16; 17=autA_17; 18=autA_18; 

            19=autA_19; 20=autA_20; 21=autA_21; 22=autA_22; 23=autA_23]

/ responsefontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ itemfontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "remove button"

/ nextbuttonposition = (110%, 110%)

/ timeout = 5000



*****************  A U T  3 **********************************


<block AUT3>

/ trials = [1=AUT3; 2=interAUT]


<surveypage AUT3>

/ stimulustimes = [0=AUTq, AUTword3; 4000=beep2]

/ questions = [1=autA_1; 2=autA_2; 3=autA_3; 4=autA_4; 5=autA_5; 6=autA_6; 7=autA_7; 8=autA_8; 9=autA_9; 

            10=autA_10; 11=autA_11; 12=autA_12; 13=autA_13; 14=autA_14; 15=autA_15; 16=autA_16; 17=autA_17; 18=autA_18; 

            19=autA_19; 20=autA_20; 21=autA_21; 22=autA_22; 23=autA_23]

/ responsefontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ itemfontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "remove button"

/ nextbuttonposition = (110%, 110%)

/ timeout = 5000



*****************  A U T  4 **********************************


<block AUT4>

/ trials = [1=AUT4; 2=interAUT]


<surveypage AUT4>

/ stimulustimes = [0=AUTq, AUTword4; 4000=beep2]

/ questions = [1=autA_1; 2=autA_2; 3=autA_3; 4=autA_4; 5=autA_5; 6=autA_6; 7=autA_7; 8=autA_8; 9=autA_9; 

            10=autA_10; 11=autA_11; 12=autA_12; 13=autA_13; 14=autA_14; 15=autA_15; 16=autA_16; 17=autA_17; 18=autA_18; 

            19=autA_19; 20=autA_20; 21=autA_21; 22=autA_22; 23=autA_23]

/ responsefontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ itemfontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "remove button"

/ nextbuttonposition = (110%, 110%)

/ timeout = 5000



*****************  A U T  5 **********************************


<block AUT5>

/ trials = [1=AUT5; 2=interAUT]


<surveypage AUT5>

/ stimulustimes = [0=AUTq, AUTword5; 4000=beep2]

/ questions = [1=autA_1; 2=autA_2; 3=autA_3; 4=autA_4; 5=autA_5; 6=autA_6; 7=autA_7; 8=autA_8; 9=autA_9; 

            10=autA_10; 11=autA_11; 12=autA_12; 13=autA_13; 14=autA_14; 15=autA_15; 16=autA_16; 17=autA_17; 18=autA_18; 

            19=autA_19; 20=autA_20; 21=autA_21; 22=autA_22; 23=autA_23]

/ responsefontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ itemfontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "remove button"

/ nextbuttonposition = (110%, 110%)

/ timeout = 5000



*****************  A U T  6 **********************************


<block AUT6>

/ trials = [1=AUT6; 2=interAUT]


<surveypage AUT6>

/ stimulustimes = [0=AUTq, AUTword6; 4000=beep2]

/ questions = [1=autA_1; 2=autA_2; 3=autA_3; 4=autA_4; 5=autA_5; 6=autA_6; 7=autA_7; 8=autA_8; 9=autA_9; 

            10=autA_10; 11=autA_11; 12=autA_12; 13=autA_13; 14=autA_14; 15=autA_15; 16=autA_16; 17=autA_17; 18=autA_18; 

            19=autA_19; 20=autA_20; 21=autA_21; 22=autA_22; 23=autA_23]

/ responsefontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ itemfontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "remove button"

/ nextbuttonposition = (110%, 110%)

/ timeout = 5000



*****************  A U T  7 **********************************


<block AUT7>

/ trials = [1=AUT7; 2=interAUT]


<surveypage AUT7>

/ stimulustimes = [0=AUTq, AUTword7; 4000=beep2]

/ questions = [1=autA_1; 2=autA_2; 3=autA_3; 4=autA_4; 5=autA_5; 6=autA_6; 7=autA_7; 8=autA_8; 9=autA_9; 

            10=autA_10; 11=autA_11; 12=autA_12; 13=autA_13; 14=autA_14; 15=autA_15; 16=autA_16; 17=autA_17; 18=autA_18; 

            19=autA_19; 20=autA_20; 21=autA_21; 22=autA_22; 23=autA_23]

/ responsefontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ itemfontstyle = ("Ariel", 15)

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "remove button"

/ nextbuttonposition = (110%, 110%)

/ timeout = 5000





<text AUTq>

/ items = ("Type as many uses as you can for the following object:")

/ position = (3%,1%)

/ halign = left

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 18pt, false)




<text AUTword1>

/ items = ("SHOE")

/ position = (7%, 5%)

/ halign = left

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 18pt, false)

/ color = BLUE




<text AUTword2>

/ items = ("CUP")

/ position = (7%, 5%)

/ halign = left

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 18pt, false)

/ color = BLUE




<text AUTword3>

/ items = ("TORCH")

/ position = (7%, 5%)

/ halign = left

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 18pt, false)

/ color = BLUE




<text AUTword4>

/ items = ("BARREL")

/ position = (7%, 5%)

/ halign = left

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 18pt, false)

/ color = BLUE




<text AUTword5>

/ items = ("BRICK")

/ position = (7%, 5%)

/ halign = left

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 18pt, false)

/ color = BLUE




<text AUTword6>

/ items = ("NEWSPAPER")

/ position = (7%, 5%)

/ halign = left

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 18pt, false)

/ color = BLUE




<text AUTword7>

/ items = ("SPADE")

/ position = (7%, 5%)

/ halign = left

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 18pt, false)

/ color = BLUE




/2 = "BOOK"

/5 = "CAR TYRE"

/6 = "PEN"




<trial interAUT>

/stimulustimes = [0=interAUT, clickhere]

/ validresponse = (clickhere)

/ inputdevice = mouse


<text interAUT>

/ items = ("When you are ready, please click below for the next word.


   â€¢ Type as many answers as you can in 3 minutes. 

   â€¢ Keep each answer brief

   â€¢ Don't be concerned with spelling

   â€¢ Use the TAB key or mouse to go to next line.")

/ position = (50,50)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 22pt, false)

/ size = (1000px,700px)

/ hjustify = left

/ color = DARKRED


<block endAUT>

/ trials = [1=endAUT]


<trial endAUT>

/stimulustimes = [0=endAUT, clickhere]

/ validresponse = (clickhere)

/ inputdevice = mouse


<text endAUT>

/ items = ("~n~nYou have completed this task.

~n~nPlease click below for the next instructions.")

/ position = (50,50)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 24pt, false)

/ size = (1000px,700px)

/ hjustify = left

/ color = DARKGREEN



*************  AUT textboxes  ***************


<textbox autA_1>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 15)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_2>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 19)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_3>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 23)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_4>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 27)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_5>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 31)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_6>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 35)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_7>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 39)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_8>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 43)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_9>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 47)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_10>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 51)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_11>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 55)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_12>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 59)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_13>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 63)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_14>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 67)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_15>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 71)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_16>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 75)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_17>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 79)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_18>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 83)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_19>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 87)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_20>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 91)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_21>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 95)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_22>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 99)

/ required = false


<textbox autA_23>

/ caption = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Ariel", 15, true)

/ multiline = false

/ textboxsize = (80,3)

/ position = (7, 103)

/ required = false


********MULTIPLE USES***********

<text tester_text>


/ position = (50%, 50%)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 25pt)


<text clickhere>

/ items = ("Click here to continue")

/ position = (50%, 90%)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 22pt)


<text clickfinish>

/ items = ("o")

/ position = (95%, 95%)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial" 100pt)

/ txcolor = (255,255,255)


** timer **

<clock timer>

/ mode = timer

/ timeout = 5000

/ txcolor = red

/ txbgcolor = (230,230,230)

/ format = "mm:ss"

/ position = (95%, 10%) 


********************* beeps  *********************

<sound beep1>

/ items = ("beep1.wav")


<sound beep2>

/ items = ("beep2.wav")


Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K

Is there some way i can make a screen scrollable? (thereby adding many more textboxes).


Or is there some way for a participant who has filled all textboxes to press a button to go to an additional page of textboxes, but continue the /timeout instruction (ie, not give them any additional time)? 

Move the /timeout to the <block> level, run further pages in the block.


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