Hi again,
I thought I would paste in the section of the SC-IAT script I am talking about for a quick reference.
I am trying to figure out why my d-scoreends up being different to the inquisit calculated one. So in my reading of it there are two optionsfor correct responses- initial correct responses and ‘all correct’ responses(which includes the initial correct and the corrected responses – those withbuilt in error penalty). The way that the scoring and expressions read there isonly one that uses initial correct only and it is not used in the d-algorithm(percent correct). So does the inquisit use initial correct for all of theD-scoring, or does it use ‘all correct’ for the D-scoring. Or perhaps it uses‘all correct’ for everything except the SDs which are initial correct only(which I think is how it is meant to be calculated) but it is just not clearlyindicated in the script explanation?
/completed: 0= script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)
/correct: 1= correct response; 0 = incorrect response
/ sum1: tracks the sum of the latencies tocorrect responses (and latencies <= 10000ms) for the compatible block
/ sum2a: tracks the sum of the latencies tocorrect responses (and latencies <= 10000ms) for the incompatible block
/ n1: countsthe number of correct trials in compatible block
/ n2: countsthe number of correct trials in incompatible block
/ ss1: tracksthe sum of the squared latencies to correct responses (and latencies <=10000ms) in the compatible block
/ ss2 tracksthe sum of the squared latencies to correct responses (and latencies <=10000ms) in the incompatible block
/ magnitude: stores the magnitude of the implicit preference:"little to no", "a slight", "a moderate", "astrong"
/ n_correct: counts all initial correct responses of all trials that counttowards D score
/ m1: meanlatencies of correct responses in compatible block
/ m2: meanlatencies of correct responses in incompatible block
/ sd1: standarddeviation of latencies of correct responses in compatible block
/ sd2: standarddeviation of latencies of correct responses in incompatible block
/ sd: standard deviation of latenciesoverall
/ d: overall D-score
/ latdiff: difference between meanlatencies in incompatible and compatible block
/ attitude: positive vs. negative
/ percentcorrect: calculates the overall percent correctscore of initial responses of compatible and incompatible trials with specified latencies
/ m1 = values.sum1 / values.n1
/ m2 = values.sum2 / values.n2
/ sd1 = sqrt((values.ss1 - (values.n1 *(expressions.m1 * expressions.m1))) / (values.n1 - 1))
/ sd2 = sqrt((values.ss2 - (values.n2 *(expressions.m2 * expressions.m2))) / (values.n2 - 1))
/ sd = sqrt((((values.n1 - 1) *(expressions.sd1 * expressions.sd1) + (values.n2 - 1) * (expressions.sd2 *expressions.sd2)) + ((values.n1 + values.n2) * ((expressions.m1 -expressions.m2) * (expressions.m1 - expressions.m2)) / 4) ) / (values.n1 +values.n2 - 1) )
/ d = (m2 - m1) / expressions.sd
/ latdiff = m2 - m1
/ attitude = "unknown"
/ percentcorrect = (values.n_correct/(block.compatibletest.trialcount + block.incompatibletest.trialcount)) * 100