multiple Single-Target-IAT

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Hey millisecond-team,
unfortunately I didn't find anything about (single-target) IATs with multiple attitude objetcs, so I have to ask here.

I'm doing my first (single-target) IAT based on Bluemke & Friese with the difference of only two targets (washing, and the brand Persil) against the attitudes positive and negative. I'm working with single-target template by Wigboldus, Holland & van Knippenberg (2006) from the task library and have also changed the first target and the other things. Now I'm not sure about beginning with the second target. Could you tell me how to begin with the second target in the script?

I would of course include the new target item, text/picture element, the trials and change the blocks. But here I'm not sure..

My blocks look currently so:



/ bgstim =(attributeAleft, attributeBright)

/ trials =[1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeAText, attributeAPictures,attributeBText, attributeBPictures)]

/ errormessage= true(error,200)

/ responsemode= correct



/ bgstim =(attributeAleft, oderleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright)

/ trials =[1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft1, targetAleft2, attributeAText,attributeAPictures, attributeBText, attributeBPictures)]

/ errormessage= true(error,200)

/ responsemode= correct

/ ontrialend =[if(block.compatibletest1.latency  <=10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a=  values.sum1a +block.compatibletest1.latency]

/ ontrialend =[if(block.compatibletest1.latency  <=10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a+=  1]

/ ontrialend =[if(block.compatibletest1.latency  <=10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a=  values.ss1a +(block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)]




/ bgstim =(attributeAleft, oderleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright)

/ trials =[1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft1, targetAleft2, attributeAText,attributeAPictures, attributeBText, attributeBPictures)]

/ errormessage= true(error,200)

/ responsemode= correct

/ ontrialend =[if(block.compatibletest2.latency  <=10000) values.sum1b =  values.sum1b +block.compatibletest2.latency]

/ ontrialend =[if(block.compatibletest2.latency  <=10000) values.n1b += 1]

/ ontrialend =[if(block.compatibletest2.latency  <=10000) values.ss1b =  values.ss1b +(block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)]




/ bgstim =(attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, oderright, attributeBright)

/ trials =[1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright1, targetAright2, attributeAText,attributeAPictures, attributeBText, attributeBPictures)]

/ errormessage= true(error,200)

/ responsemode= correct

/ ontrialend =[if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1)values.sum2a =  values.sum2a +block.incompatibletest1.latency]

/ ontrialend =[if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 )values.n2a +=   1]

/ ontrialend =[if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 )values.ss2a =  values.ss2a +(block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)]




/ bgstim =(attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, oderright, attributeBright)

/ trials =[1-40 = noreplace(targetAright1, targetAright2, attributeAText,attributeAPictures, attributeBText, attributeBPictures)]

/ errormessage= true(error,200)

/ responsemode= correct

/ ontrialend =[if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency]

/ ontrialend =[if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b += 1]

/ ontrialend =[if(block.incompatibletest2.latency  <= 10000) values.ss2b =  values.ss2b +(block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)]




/ bgstim =(attributeAleft, oderleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright)

/ trials =[1=instructions]

/ recorddata =false




/ bgstim =(attributeAleft, attributeBright, oderright, targetArightmixed)

/ trials =[1=instructions]

/ recorddata =false




/skip =[values.showsummaryfeedback == false]

/ trials =[1=summary]

/ recorddata =false


Do you think it's enough to copy this and create blocks with compatibletest3, compatibletest4, incompatibletest3, incompatibletest5 ? Of course, I have to change /bgtism, /trials and /ontrialend but I don't know how to adapt it into the algorithm and the D-score.

I would really appreciate your help!

Katja Habriewa

Hochschule Harz,

University of Applied Science

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You should either (a) keep your various single-target IATs in separate scripts and then run them in whatever order you require via <batch>, or (b) merge them in to a single file. If you want to do the latter, you should first work through the original script until you sufficiently understand how it works (that includes the D-calculations). I recommend option (a).

In general, I would also strongly recommend to work through (1) all the tutorials included in the Inquisit documentation as well as (2) the "How to Combine Multiple Scripts" topic before moving on.

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Okay, I guess the first opportunity is the easiest.

I will run the experiment via web, could you tell me how the output will then look like?

Will I get one output with two D-Scores, which I can interpret seperately?

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> I will run the experiment via web, could you tell me how the output will then look like?

Just like in Inquisit Lab. You'll get one file per participant, per script.

> Will I get one output with two D-Scores, which I can interpret seperately?

For separate scripts, you'll get separate data files (just like in Inquisit Lab).

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Thank you!

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Sorry, last question: I have only two Inquisit Web licenses. One license means one single web experiment or single inquisit script.

If I use the <batch> element with my two Single-Target-Iats, would the batch sript runs in form of one script or three (batch, first ST-IAT, second ST IAT)?

It is very important for me to know this before I start to create the scripts. Thanks!

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The <batch>(es) can run as many scripts as you want / need -- all under a single web license.

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Quick question: Could a simultanious participation of approximately 10.000 people in the IAT, lead to a server overload? Or could it influence the charging period?

Thank you!

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Depending on how much load is on the server at the same time resulting from other experiments / their participants, it is possible that a sudden spike in traffic caused by additional 10.000 participants accessing the server could lead to a general slowdown or temporary unavailability.

While massive problems are unlikely to occur, IMO, the possibility of disruptions (however minor) certainly exists and can't be ruled out completely. (Keep in mind: Even giant internet services such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. with enormous infrastructure behind them do occasionally suffer outages and service disruptions).

Edited 11 Years Ago by Dave

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