Correct response as a sequence

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Is it possible to specify the correct response to a trial as a sequence of responses? I am presenting a series of locations (each location as a shape) on the screen as the stimulus element in a trial and would like the participant to replicate this sequence of locations using the mouse as an input device. The valid responses would be any sequence of locations. The participant would then indicate that he or she had completed his/her response.

Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)
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Take a look at the "responsetrial" command of the element. This allows you to run a specific trial when a particular response is given that can present whatever stimuli it wants. You can also chain an arbitrary number of trials together into various flow paths.

Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)Supreme Being (143K reputation)
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Forgot to mention - responsetrial is supported in Inquisit 2.0 only.
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I'm not sure how I would use responsetrial for this purpose. For example, I may present a trial that looks like this:
Stimuli presented (in this order, one per second) - red triangle, blue square, yellow circle, green oval
I want the correct response to this trial to consist of mouse clicks on each of these four items in the order in which they were presented.

Are you suggesting that I set up the program as if this were four trials as follows?:
- trial one - present all stimuli and accept red triangle as the correct response. If correct, go to trial 2
- trial two - no stimuli presented, but accept blue square as the correct response. If correct, go to trial 3
- trial three - no stimuli presented, but accept yellow circle as correct response. If correct go to trial 4
- trial four - no stimuli presented, but accept green oval as correct response.

Is there a more straightforward way to do this? I would like to leave open the number of possible responses made by the participant. In other words, I'd like to use a series of mouse clicks on various items still displayed on the screen as the correct response, but allow for various permutations of incorrect responses, including responses that have more than the correct number of clicks.



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