Force subjects to wait before nextkey becomes active? + reference/documentation

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Two quick beginner's questions:

1. I am working with a task from the library and would like to change the instructions prior to the experiment such that the nextkey (option to press button to continue to next part of experiment) only becomes active after 3000ms and not immediately, to force the subjects to remain on the text page with instructions for a minimum of 3000ms before continuing with the task. How can I change this in the script? I want to use the script for a webexperiment, and I think the instructions have all been realized with the preinstructions/postinstructiosn function, and the nextkey is the same throughout the experiment.The waiting time can also be the same throughout the experiment.

2. I looked for this information in the documentation to find a solution myself but I couldnt find a search function that would allow me to look for "nextkey"  properties etc. and after a while I gave up. Is there a clever way to navigate the help so that I can better find information for specific questions like this one? For example, what would be a quick way to find the solution to question 1 in the documentation?

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Re. #1: See the documentation for the <instruct> element's /wait attribute.

Re. #2: The docs are available in a variety of ways (cf. The Windows help is searchable as any other Windows help file (CHM). The PDFs are searchable. The online docs are searchable through the search box on the site.

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Well, if I try the Windows help, I get a "Navigation to the webpage was canceled' report if I select something among search results. If I click on a hyperlink in the pdf file (instruct.wait for example), it jumps to the beginning of the document instead of information about the function on which I clicked. And if I use the website search function, I get a colourful mix of forum entries and cannot restrict the result to the documentation, so I cannot find the entry of "wait" or "instruct" in the language reference..

But anyway, the advice about "wait" helped me, I found example code and luckily it is a very straight-forward thing to change.

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> Well, if I try the Windows help, I get a "Navigation to the webpage was canceled' report if I select something among search results

Hmm, unable to reproduce this -- working fine for me on my Windows box.

> And if I use the website search function, I get a colourful mix of forum entries and cannot restrict the result to the documentation, so I cannot find the entry of "wait" or "instruct" in the language reference.

If you prefer you can also use Google or any other search engine to search the docs like so:


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