Downloading multiple data files

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I have some real study data finally and need a strategy for downloading the data. There are 26 components to my study and a file for each participant per component.  I really don't mind all the files, except there is no way to download them all at once, except by clicking the "check all" button, and then they all download into one file which isn't particularly useful.

 Is there any way--and I know it appears there is not--that I could download all files as a ZIP periodically?  If not, is there some way other than downloading each file individually, one by one?


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> Is there any way--and I know it appears there is not--that I could download all files as a ZIP periodically?

No, there isn't at present.

> If not, is there some way other than downloading each file individually, one by one?

You could use the filter box to restrict selection to those files you are interested in at a given moment and then get those as a single data file.

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Data files for each measure are saved in separate folders, so the filter isn't much good. I can download all data for each measure one measure at a time by selecting the folder and hitting download, but it's still tedious, and I still have a new header row for every participant embedded in that file.

I'm trying to determine the most efficient way to handle this problem. I'd much rather spend the time once to write a script to process all the separate files into one usable file. I think that's plausible, but I'm left either having to download each file or folder individually, or having them combined in some not very optimal way.

If we were only going to download the data once, I guess I'd just suffer through it. But I need a better solution.  Maybe if I "download all" into one file I can write something to read that one file and figure out what variables are what based on the (very frequent) header rows.

But I really wish I could just download all the files as separate files (or a zip) in one step!

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> Data files for each measure are saved in separate folders, so the filter isn't much good. I can download all data for each measure
> one measure at a time by selecting the folder and hitting download, but it's still tedious, and I still have a new header row for every
> participant embedded in that file.

Just a quick suggestion: You can either (a) use the headers to split the file into separate files again (if that's what you prefer to work with) or (b) easily remove the headers you don't want or need (which boils down to a simple search & replace operation which can be automated easily).

Hope this helps.

Edited 11 Years Ago by Dave
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Yeah that's kind of what I was thinking. Either read the whole file and determine what I'm working with based on the headers, or just plain split them back out to separate files.
That should work for me.
Couple more questions:
1) Is there something I could have done in my Inquisit files to save these all to one file or otherwise simplify this process?
2) Is there any plan to allow downloading all files as ZIP (or something similar) in the future?

I'm guessing no to #1 since I am <batch> and a lot of separately loaded IQX files. But it would be good to know if I'm wrong!

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> 1) Is there something I could have done in my Inquisit files to save these all to one file or otherwise simplify this process?

No, not on the web.

> 2) Is there any plan to allow downloading all files as ZIP (or something similar) in the future?

It's likely to be improved in the future, but that won't happen over night, I'm afraid.

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Hi I wondered if there are any updates that will now allow download across multiple folders. I have a multisession experiment that needed manual counterbalancing (so 36 files in each session). This results in separate folders for each counterbalance (which all contain an additional 'raw' folder). Is there any way I can download from multiple folders at the same time either as a zip, cvs or excel?Currently when I try it says that 'Downloading data from multiple folders at once is not supported', but I'm not sure if there's another way around this please? Or can I change something in my inquisit script so they all save to the same place? Many thanks!
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n.lee.20 - 3/4/2022
Hi I wondered if there are any updates that will now allow download across multiple folders. I have a multisession experiment that needed manual counterbalancing (so 36 files in each session). This results in separate folders for each counterbalance (which all contain an additional 'raw' folder). Is there any way I can download from multiple folders at the same time either as a zip, cvs or excel?Currently when I try it says that 'Downloading data from multiple folders at once is not supported', but I'm not sure if there's another way around this please? Or can I change something in my inquisit script so they all save to the same place? Many thanks!

> I wondered if there are any updates that will now allow download across multiple folders. [...] Currently when I try it says that 'Downloading data from
> multiple folders at once is not supported', but I'm not sure if there's another way around this please?

No, there isn't.

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Sorry I missed this reply. Thank you for letting me know


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