Presenting several pictures in a randomized order with an input box beneath each (6 pics, 6 boxes)

Presenting several pictures in a randomized order with an input box...
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Posts: 3, Visits: 11

I'm trying to create a "page" that shows 6 pictures in a randomized order for a serial order task - so underneath each picture should be a box, where one can write (or choose) the numbers 1 through 6 to indicate the correct order of the pictures. Now, I've been sucessfull in creating a page with the randomized pics, but I cannot put more than one input box beneath it. I was trying it with an openended element, since survey-pages cannot show pictures (,if I'm right).

Does anyone have an idea, how to do this?

Thank You!

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<openended> isn't going to work for this -- it can't have multiple input boxes. <surveypage> / <textboxes> is indeed the way to go -- and you *can* in fact display <picture> elements on a <surveypage> via its /stimulusframes attribute.

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Thanks! This worked out!
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I've come across another problem now: I've already written that I randomized the presentation order of the pictures and underneath each I've put a textbos, where subject are supposed to indicate the correct order. This works fine now, but it doesn't record, where it positioned which picture, so I cannot put together the response of the subjects with the actual position of the pictures on the surveypage. Can I do that somehow with an "ontrialbegin"?
Here's my script:

/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2%, true)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1=Position_Test]

 surveypage presents 6 stimuli /w 6 boxes

<surveypage Position_Test>
/ stimulusframes = [1=pic1_sim_L1,pic2_sim_L1,pic3_sim_L1,pic4_sim_L1,pic5_sim_L1,pic6_sim_L1]
/ questions = [1=Position1, Position2, Position3, Position4, Position5,Position6]
/ finishlabel = ("      weiter      ")
/ subcaption = ("Geben Sie die richtige Position der Bilder an, indem Sie die entsprechende Ziffern (1-6) in die Kästchen schreiben.")

Pictures_vertical position constant

***** pics visually similar list 1 *****

<picture pic1_sim_L1>
/ select = noreplace
/ items = ("Apfel.bmp")
/size = (15%,15%)
/ vposition = 45%
/ hposition = counter.picpos.selectedvalue

<picture pic2_sim_L1>
/ select = noreplace
/ items = ("Rad.bmp")
/size = (15%,15%)
/ vposition = 45%
/ hposition = counter.picpos.selectedvalue

<picture pic3_sim_L1>
/ select = noreplace
/ items = ("Bombe.bmp")
/size = (15%,15%)
/ vposition = 45%
/ hposition = counter.picpos.selectedvalue

<picture pic4_sim_L1>
/ select = noreplace
/ items = ("Knopf.bmp")
/size = (15%,15%)
/ vposition = 45%
/ hposition = counter.picpos.selectedvalue

<picture pic5_sim_L1>
/ select = noreplace
/ items = ("Ball.bmp")
/size = (15%,15%)
/ vposition = 45%
/ hposition = counter.picpos.selectedvalue

<picture pic6_sim_L1>
/ select = noreplace
/ items = ("Teller.bmp")
/size = (15%,15%)
/ vposition = 45%
/ hposition = counter.picpos.selectedvalue

 Candidate positions for pics

<counter picpos>
/ items = (10%,25%,40%,55%,70%,85%)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always


<textbox Position1>
/ mask = positiveinteger
/ range = (1, 6)
/ position = (9%,55%)
/ textboxsize = (2,3)

<textbox Position2>
/ mask = positiveinteger
/ range = (1, 6)
/ position = (24%,55%)
/ textboxsize = (2,3)

<textbox Position3>
/ mask = positiveinteger
/ range = (1, 6)
/ position = (39%,55%)
/ textboxsize = (2,3)

<textbox Position4>
/ mask = positiveinteger
/ range = (1, 6)
/ position = (54%,55%)
/ textboxsize = (2,3)

<textbox Position5>
/ mask = positiveinteger
/ range = (1, 6)
/ position = (69%,55%)
/ textboxsize = (2,3)

<textbox Position6>
/ mask = positiveinteger
/ range = (1, 6)
/ position = (84%,55%)
/ textboxsize = (2,3)

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
Yes. Set up a bunch of <values> (one for each pictures horizontal position)

/ pic1_hpos = 0
/ pic2_hpos = 0

use those in the <picture>'s /hposition attributes

<picture pic1_sim_L1>
/ hposition = values.pic1_hpos

populate them /ontrialbegin

<surveypage Position_Test>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.pic1_hpos=counter.picpos.selectedvalue; values.pic2_hpos=counter.picpos.selectedvalue; ...]

and optionally log them to the data file

/ columns = [..., values.pic1_hpos, values.pic2_hpos, ...]

Edited 11 Years Ago by Dave

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