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Those results do not indicate any problem with the affected machine and as such do not offer any indication with respect to the underlying issue. I would (still) consider a problem with the machine's display system (graphics card hardware, its driver, interaction with the OS) the most likely culprit. Has the system's display driver been updated to the latest release version available from the vendor?
Also, what happens when you examine the results of a *different* script on the affected machine? You could code up a quick, simple script that displays the same image stimuli used in your existing script in a simple <trial>
<trial sometrial> / stimulustimes = [0=image; 67=blank] ... </trial>
and examine the reported onsets.
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Dave, thanks for your quick response! Now we tried one of your earlier suggestions. The results of the laptop which showed the pictures much longer than the intended 67 ms (laptop 1) are: display.refreshrate: 60 computer.cpuspeed: 1995 computer.timerresolution: 0,0000698412787100036
The results of a laptop that shows the intended 'flash' (laptop 2):display.refreshrate: 60 computer.cpuspeed: 1896 computer.timerresolution: 0.0005401708884622739
A third computer (not a laptop) which also shows the intended flash has results: display.refreshrate: 60 computer.cpuspeed: 3193computer.timerresolution: 0,0002793651148400146
So how to interpret these results? Do you (or anyone else) know whether these results are related to our problem that on laptop 1 our emotionrecognitiontask does not function properly and the facial emotion pictures are shown for much longer than the intended 67 milliseconds? I do notice that the timerresolution of computer 1 seems low compared to the others but don't know whether this is a meaningful difference.
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FYI: I have received & responded to your PM.
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Thanks. Our format looks unfortunately a bit different from the one you described. I sent it to you in a pm. We would be very grateful if you can show us how it is done in our case. Since it is not our own task, could you please not put our syntax public? Many thanks!
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You need to add as many 'stimulusonset' columns as your <trial>s present stimuli. I.e. with
<trial mytrial> / stimulustimes = [0=a; 500=b; 1000=c] ... </trial>
<data> / columns = [..., stimulusonset, ...] ... </data>
will only capture the onset for 'a', while
/ columns = [..., stimulusonset, stimulusonset, ...]
will capture onsets for 'a' and 'b', and
/ columns = [..., stimulusonset, stimulusonset, stimulusonset, ...]
will capture onsets for 'a', 'b' and 'c'.
You will find this covered in the documentation topics mentioned previously. See the 'Remarks' section for the /columns attribute:
"Stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, stimulusonset, and "string" receive special treatment. The first stimulusnumber specified in the columns attribute indicates that the item number of the first stimulus appearing on the current trial should be recorded. The second stimulusnumber indicates that the item number of the second stimulus presented on the trial should be recorded, and so on. If no 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. stimulus is presented on a given trial, a '0' is recorded. Similarly, the first stimulusitem specified in the columns attribute indicates that the actual item presented by the first stimulus appearing on the current trial should be recorded. If the stimulus is <text> or <port>, the actual item is recorded. If the stimulus is a <sound>, <picture>, or <video>, the item's filename is recorded. If the stimulus is a <shape>, the name of the shape is recorded. Like stimulusnumber, each successive stimulusitem records the item from each successive stimulus presented on the trial. If no 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. stimulus is presented on a given trial, a '0' is recorded. Similarly, the first stimulusonset specified in the columns attribute indicates that the onset time of the first stimulus appearing on the current trial should be recorded."
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Ok thanks for checking. We did not decide to remove it or anything but just borrowed this task from other researchers; I don't know why they removed it.... But now we want to start logging stimulus onsets asap because it is really important to us. So if you or someone else could please give us the code? We tried to add it ourselves:
<data> /columns=[date, time, subject, build, blocknum, blockcode, trialnum, values.actor, trialcode, values.answer, values.correct, values.neutralLatency,values.emotionLatency, stimulusonset] /format=tab </data>
But .... now if we test the task we see just an added column with only 2's in it. What are we doing wrong?
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If you have decided to exclude stimulus onsets from being logged via your script's <data> element and its /columns attribute, there is no way to derive them ex post facto. Instead you should adjust your <data> logging accordingly for any future data collection.
For details on customizing data output and the available metrics, please refer to the language reference for the <data> element, its /columns attribute as well as the topic on Inquisit's default data recording scheme.
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Thanks for your suggestion, but we cannot find anything called 'stimulusonset' in our outputfile. I will send you our testfile. We filled in our questionaire ourselves several times with number 99999. Our question concerns the micro expression task and the records on date 62014 12:39 by subject 99999 were the ones in which the facial emotions were shown much longer than they were supposed to. On this same day in the evening (around 23:10) we tried AGAIN with a different computer (so also subject 99999). This time the emotional faces were shown in a flash (as they were intended). So what we hope now is to find a difference between the micro expression data at 12:39 and 23:10 so that we can check our further data and are able to judge in which cases the task is reliable and in which cases it is not. I hope you can help us out!
If you do not find anything in our testfile, would you be willing to have a look at our code? I would prefer to send it to you by email or PM if that's all right and not post it on this forum, for it is not my own task.
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You should be able to derive that from the logged stimulusonsets in the data file.
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The idea behind is that we can than later exclude the participants whose computers showed the pictures longer than we intended.