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Dear all, we want to program a rating-experiment: StimPic - one question - two sliders - two sliderpics as labels. Its solved with a surveypage. Problem is "/ required=true" in sliders. If no answer is selected (sliders not moved) and NEXT-click, only the sliders and the caption (/ questions) are visible. The StimPic and the slider-label-pics (/ stimulusframes) are invisible.
What is my error in reasoning? Thanks Guido ************************************
<item bild> / 1= "b1.jpg" / 2= "b2.jpg" / 3= "b3.jpg" </item> <picture stim> / items = bild / position = (50%, 25%) / size = (60%, 60%) </picture> <text prequest> / items = ("How do you feel?") / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 255) / txcolor = (black) / txbgcolor = (white) / position = (50%, 55%) </text> <caption textar> / txcolor = black / caption="Level of internal excitation" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 255) / position = (19%, 61%) </caption> <picture par> / items = ("SAM-A9.png") / halign = left / valign = top / position = (4%, 66%) / size = (40%, 40%) / erase = false </picture> <slider sar> / range = (1, 9) / position = (6%, 78%) / slidersize= (36%, 10%) / showtooltips = false / required = true </slider> <caption textva> / caption="Valence" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 255) / position = (67%, 61%) </caption> <picture pva> / items = ("SAM-V9.png") / halign = left / valign = top / position = (48%, 66%) / size = (40%, 40%) </picture> <slider sva> / range = (1, 9) / position = (51%, 78%) / slidersize= (36%, 10%) / showtooltips = false / required=true </slider> <surveypage spage> / finishlabel = "Next" / stimulusframes = [1=stim;2=prequest;3=par;4=pva] / questions = [1=sar;2=sva;3=textar;4=textva] </surveypage> <block pre> / trials = [1-3=spage] </block> <expt> / blocks = [1=pre] </expt>
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
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There is no error in your reasoning. In Inquisit 4, currently anything displayed via /stimulusframes on a <surveypage> is not re-drawn in case of a non-response and the screen updating it involves. The only immediate workaround I can think of is setting the screencolor to transparent (and back to e.g. white) as in
<surveypage spage> / ontrialbegin = [block.pre.screencolor=transparent] / ontrialend = [block.pre.screencolor=white]/ finishlabel = "Next" / stimulusframes = [1=stim,prequest,par,pva] / questions = [1=sar;2=sva;3=textar;4=textva] </surveypage>
which, unfortunately, may result in an (ugly) pinkish rendering artifact around the <slider> controls. Perhaps you can live with that, though, for the time being.
Hope this helps.
Group: Forum Members
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+xThere is no error in your reasoning. In Inquisit 4, currently anything displayed via /stimulusframes on a <surveypage> is not re-drawn in case of a non-response and the screen updating it involves. The only immediate workaround I can think of is setting the screencolor to transparent (and back to e.g. white) as in
<surveypage spage> / ontrialbegin = [block.pre.screencolor=transparent] / ontrialend = [block.pre.screencolor=white]/ finishlabel = "Next" / stimulusframes = [1=stim,prequest,par,pva] / questions = [1=sar;2=sva;3=textar;4=textva] </surveypage>
which, unfortunately, may result in an (ugly) pinkish rendering artifact around the <slider> controls. Perhaps you can live with that, though, for the time being.
Hope this helps. Have you found a workaround to this problem that doesn't involve the pink rendering?
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 104K
+x+xThere is no error in your reasoning. In Inquisit 4, currently anything displayed via /stimulusframes on a <surveypage> is not re-drawn in case of a non-response and the screen updating it involves. The only immediate workaround I can think of is setting the screencolor to transparent (and back to e.g. white) as in
<surveypage spage> / ontrialbegin = [block.pre.screencolor=transparent] / ontrialend = [block.pre.screencolor=white]/ finishlabel = "Next" / stimulusframes = [1=stim,prequest,par,pva] / questions = [1=sar;2=sva;3=textar;4=textva] </surveypage>
which, unfortunately, may result in an (ugly) pinkish rendering artifact around the <slider> controls. Perhaps you can live with that, though, for the time being.
Hope this helps. Have you found a workaround to this problem that doesn't involve the pink rendering? Depends on what exactly you want to do. The easiest way would be to use <image> and <caption> elements displayed via /questions instead of <text> and <picture> elements displayed via /stimulusframes. The two approaches can be combined if need be for data logging purposes: