Radiobuttons Captions

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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1, Visits: 9
Hello everyone,
I wonder if somebody can help me with my little problem concerning the radiobuttons function.
The answers for the radiobuttons have the values 1 to 6, but I only labelled the first and last button and left the middle ones empty (" "). Now, the caption of the '1' button ist to the right of the Button, which makes the whole thing a little asymmetric (see picture attached).

My question is whether it is possible to either put the Captions above or below the radiobuttons, or to place the first button's caption to its left.

Thanks in advance,

The code I used for the buttons:

<radiobuttons ncc1>
/ caption = "Ich mag es nicht, wenn die Aussage einer Person mehrdeutig ist."
/ options = ("stimme gar nicht zu"; ""; ""; ""; ""; "stimme völlig zu")
/ orientation = horizontal
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6")

radiobuttons.jpg (1.2K views, 16.00 KB)
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> My question is whether it is possible to either put the Captions above or below the radiobuttons, or to place the first button's caption to its left.

The only way to do that would be to (a) leave all the /options blank
<radiobuttons ncc1>
/ options = (""; ""; ""; ""; ""; "")

and (b) set up two separate <caption> elements

<caption leftcaption>
/ caption = "stimme gar nicht zu"

<caption rightcaption>
/ caption = "stimme völlig zu"

use their /position attributes to position them properly, and display them along with the <radiobuttons> via your <surveypage>'s /questions attribute

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=ncc1; 2=leftcaption; 3=rightcaption]

If you have only a single <radiobuttons> element on a given <surveypage>, you may want to consider using <likert> trials instead of <surveypage> / <radiobuttons>.


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