BART button stimuli

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Hi there,

I'm having an issue with the BART script for Inquisit 4 downloaded from the webpage. When testing the task,  the "Collect $$$" button which is meant to show up during the task is instead replaced by the "Pump the balloon" button (screenshot attached).

I've had a look at the script and there doesn't appear to be any issues with the wrong picture stimulus etc. However, for the 

<trial choice> .. 

if the / stimulustimes is altered so that collectbutton is ordered after pumpbutton, both clickable buttons then become "Collect $$$" (i.e. collectbutton).

the original code and altered code that I changed are below. I haven't been able to test on another computer but will confirm if this occurs anyway. Any help on this would be great, been scratching my head about it trying to get an answer!


my altered code:
= [1=balloon, pumpbutton, collectbutton, totalearnings, pumpcount, potentialearnings, ballooncount]

original code:

<trial choice>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.countchoice += 1]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.pumpresult = list.pumpresult.nextvalue]

/ontrialbegin = [if (values.pumpsound == 1) trial.choice.insertstimulustime(sound.inflatesound,0)]
/ontrialbegin = [values.pumpsound = 0]

/ stimulustimes = [1=collectbutton, balloon, pumpbutton, totalearnings, pumpcount, potentialearnings, ballooncount]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (collectbutton, pumpbutton) 

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I don't see any attached screenshot, so I cannot really comment. The scripts code is fine and does work as expected according to my tests (screenshot attached).
I''m aware of a single other instance where someone reported something similar. The issue was apparently due to a buggy graphics card driver (in this particular case the person was running Windows on a Mac via Bootcamp).
Updating your graphics card's driver to the latest version available from its vendor would thus be the 1st thing I'd recommend.

Untitled.png (1.3K views, 26.00 KB)
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Thanks Dave,

you were correct - it appears to be a graphics card issue and the script works fine on other computers. For the sake of other users I will post up details and specs of the laboratory computer that has the issue in case someone else comes across the same problem

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Thanks for the update, Warren! Knowing those specs would be great -- perhaps that will enable us to reproduce the issue and possibly mitigate (or at least try to detect) it.


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