Setting a maximum of consecutive block repeats in an anticipatory anxiety task (block design)

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Hi again,

I'm constructing an anticipatory anxiety task whereby an indicator slide (i.e <picture threatpicture>- <picture safepicture>) is presented, followed by the corresponding emotionally valent image, selected images from either <picture negpictures> or <picture pospictures> respectively,

In essence there are two block types that present either the threat+negative picture combination (<block negblock>) or the safe+positive picture combination (<block posblock>). Each block is presented 15 times (with no pictures repeated). 

What I want to do is have a condition that allows either block to repeat itself, as long as it is not repeated consecutively more than three times.
For example,
presentation sequence: [negblock - negblock - negblock - posblock - posblock] is okay as it is only 3 repeated 3 times 
while : [negblock - negblock - negblock - negblock - posblock] is not ideal.

Is there a method to set a specific maximum allowed consecutive repeats? I have been scratching my head about it but thought best to ask before wasting any more time. 

The original code is below; I've attached the picture files as well if they are easier for running the script (warning: some are pretty unpleasant).

Thanks for your help in advance!


/ screencolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = black
/ inputdevice = keyboard

/ separatefiles = true


<text fixationcross>
/items = ("+")
/fontstyle = ("arial", 10%, false, false, false, false, 5)

<text captioncrave>
/items = ("How severe is your craving for alcohol RIGHT NOW")
/ height = 40%

<text labelnocrave>
/items = ("No craving")
/fontstyle = ("arial", 36, false, false, false, false, 5)
/ hposition = 12%
/ vposition = 53%
/ hjustify = center

<text labelhighcrave>
/items = ("Very severe craving")
/ fontstyle = ("arial", 36, false, false, false, false, 5)
/ hposition = 88%
/ vposition = 53%
/ hjustify = center

<picture negpictures>
/ items = neglist
/ select = noreplace
/resetinterval = 0
/size = (100%,100%)


<picture pospictures>
/ items = poslist
/ select = noreplace
/resetinterval = 0
/size = (100%,100%)

<picture threatpicture>
/ items = ("threatcue.jpg")
/ select = noreplace
/resetinterval = 0
/size = (100%,100%)

<picture safepicture>
/ items = ("safecue.jpg")
/ select = noreplace
/resetinterval = 0
/size = (100%,100%)

<slider VAScrave>
/ labels = ("no craving", "strong craving")
/ range = (1, 100)
/ position = (15%,50%)
/ slidersize = (60, 5%)
/ showtooltips = false

<clock timer>
/ mode = timer
/ resetrate = trial
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = white
/ timeout = 10000
/ position = (50%, 80%)
/ format = "s"


<item neglist>
/1 = "neg3001.jpg"
/2 = "neg3015.jpg"
/3 = "neg3053.jpg"
/4 = "neg3063.jpg"
/5 = "neg3064.jpg"
/6 = "neg3102.jpg"
/7 = "neg3261.jpg"
/8 = "neg6021.jpg"
/9 = "neg6212.jpg"
/10 = "neg6520.jpg"
/11 = "neg6563.jpg"
/12 = "neg9252.jpg"
/13 = "neg9410.jpg"
/14 = "neg9412.jpg"
/15 = "neg9413.jpg"


<item poslist>
/1 = "pos1710.jpg"
/2 = "pos2045.jpg"
/3 = "pos2155.jpg"
/4 = "pos2158.jpg"
/5 = "pos2208.jpg"
/6 = "pos2216.jpg"
/7 = "pos2303.jpg"
/8 = "pos2345.jpg"
/9 = "pos2347.jpg"
/10 = "pos2389.jpg"
/11 = "pos4626.jpg"
/12 = "pos5629.jpg"
/13 = "pos5825.jpg"
/14 = "pos5833.jpg"
/15 = "pos8080.jpg"



<trial fixationtrial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=fixationcross]
/ timeout = 500

<trial negtrial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=negpictures]
/ timeout = 500
/posttrialpause = 1


<trial postrial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=pospictures]
/ timeout = 500
/posttrialpause = 1


<trial threatcuetrial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=threatpicture]
/ timeout = 1000
/posttrialpause = 1


<trial safecuetrial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=safepicture]
/ timeout = 1000
/posttrialpause = 1


<surveypage VAScravepage>
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", -16, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ stimulusframes = [1=captioncrave, timer, labelnocrave, labelhighcrave]
/ questions = [1=Vascrave]
/timeout = 10000



<block negblock>
/ trials = [1 = fixationtrial; 2=threatcuetrial; 3=negtrial]

<block posblock>
/ trials = [1= fixationtrial; 2=safecuetrial; 3=postrial]

<block vascraveblock>
/ trials = [1= vascravepage]

/ blocks = [1-30=noreplace(negblock,posblock)]


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unfortunately it won't let me upload the other pictures...
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The way to do this is to use a properly configured <list> element for block selection. Particularly, you'll want to use its /maxrunsize attribute to specify the maximum number of allowable repeats:

/ blocks = [1-30=list.blocklist]

<list blocklist>
/ items = (block.a, block.b)
/ poolsize = 30
/ maxrunsize = 3

<block a>
/ trials = [1=mytrial]

<block b>
/ trials = [1=mytrial]

<trial mytrial>
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 100

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Posts: 12, Visits: 102
Huge help as always Dave - didn't think of setting the list, worked perfectly

Thanks a million!


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