I have downloaded picture sciat from your library and tried to translateinstructions, stimulus and everything else on Croatian. I translated wholeexperiment and everything works fine until I try to translate message which appearsif you do not answer fast enough "Please, respond more quickly". Thenthe program crashes every time in the middle of the experiment, just beforesecond set of instructions. Error is: Direct2D Error: 0x8899001d The requestedsize is larger than the guaranteed supported texture size. Line 729, File win\Direct2DGraphics.cpp
If I don’t translate that sentence, everything works great. How can I translatethat sentence so that my sciat works? And is there any simple way to remove theindividual result of sciat which appears in the end? I can’t emphasise enoughthat I don't know how to program things and don’t know my way around Inquisit(that’s why I downloaded sciat script in the first place ;)) so I would be verythankful if somebody could explain in the easiest way possible how to solve myproblem :)