Present stimuli randomly at different specific combinations of hposition&vposition

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I would like to present a stimuli randomly at one of a series of specific  positions on the screen ("30,20", "50,20", "70,20", "20,50", "40,50","60,50", "80,50", "30,80", "50,80", "70,80")

I can randomly select horizontal AND veritcal positions

<picture whi1>
/ items = whites
/ size = (20%, 20%)
/ resetinterval = 1
/ hposition = counter.vertical.selectedvalue
/ vposition = counter.horizontal.selectedvalue
/ select = whitescounter

<counter horizontal>
/ items = (30%, 50%, 70%, 20%, 40%,60%,80%,30%,50%,70%)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always

<counter vertical>
/items =(20%, 20%, 20%, 50%, 50%,50%,50%,80%,80%, 80%)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always

However, I want to present the stimuli randomly at one of 10 FIXED positions (combinations of vposition and hpositions) on the screen.

I tried the following which did not work:

<picture whi1>
/ items = whites
/ size = (20%, 20%)
/ resetinterval = 1
/position = counter.positions.selectedvalue
/ select = whitescounter

<counter positions>
/ items = ("30,20", "50,20", "70,20", "20,50", "40,50","60,50", "80,50", "30,80", "50,80", "70,80")
/ select = sequence
/ selectionrate = always

It would be really great to get help on this! Thanks in advance
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All you need to do is have the selection in the vertical counter depend on the selection in the horizontal counter.

<picture whi1>
/ items = whites
/ size = (20%, 20%)
/ resetinterval = 1
/ hposition = counter.horizontal.selectedvalue
/ vposition = counter.vertical.selectedvalue

/ select = whitescounter

<counter horizontal>
/ items = (30%, 50%, 70%, 20%, 40%,60%,80%,30%,50%,70%)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always

<counter vertical>
/items =(20%, 20%, 20%, 50%, 50%,50%,50%,80%,80%, 80%)
/ select = current(horizontal)
/ selectionrate = always

Partner Member (639 reputation)Partner Member (639 reputation)Partner Member (639 reputation)Partner Member (639 reputation)Partner Member (639 reputation)Partner Member (639 reputation)Partner Member (639 reputation)Partner Member (639 reputation)Partner Member (639 reputation)
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Posts: 2, Visits: 18
Oh, great! Thanks a lot! Everything seems possible in inquisit, gotta love it!

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